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  1. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Sorry Ghost - the Japanese was just on the off chance there were any Japanese (only) speaking Nihontophiles lurking and to see if I could get a response... I know it might sound strange but what I am into is HUGE in many countries - especially the US and UK (not just Japan) but I have yet to see...
  2. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

  3. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    PS IF enough of us are interested we could get serious and call it something like the ''Buenos Aires Nippon Token Kai'' - just a thought :)
  4. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    lol :) No - its for people who are Japanese sword nuts like me :) lol
  5. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    PS For those who are interested the sword pictured is my Higo mounted Shinto Seki school katana with Fujishiro kanteisho - one of my prized possessions :) She is more of an uchigatana to be correct but perfectly suited to the two or three schools of swordsmanship I have studied...:) With a nice...
  6. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Um sorry Joe - the katana you are looking at is 350 years old and razor sharp - if USED to fight it would certainly cut one (or more) human bodies in half with a single stroke - but it might also damage the edge or polish of the blade and I would then have to send it back to Japan for a fresh...
  7. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    I know that Hybrid Ambassador will be a taker for sure - we will be in our permanent long term apartment in Belgrano next month and as of February I think would be a good time to start the Buenos Aires Nihonto Society off with its inaugural meeting and sake drinking session (although I think...
  8. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Greetings all - I haven't tried this before so I thought I would right now - slap bang in the middle of Expat Life... IS anyone interested (here in capital) in being part of a Nihonto group that meets perhaps once a month ? I will include some ''sword porn'' pics right now for those of you who...
  9. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

  10. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    You're killing me - I am starving already :) I was a professor at Kanda Gaigo Daigaku and lived fairly close in Makuharihongo - only about 7 stops from Chiba City and if you jump lines at Tsudanama (next station) its only 30 minutes to Tokyo and of course Roppongi, Shinjuku, Shibuya, etc... Need...
  11. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    (I still remember those stand up Ramen joints the salarymen used to use - but even the least impressive looking of places could produce the most delicious of Ramen :)
  12. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    (Basically - to celebrate the end of this most unpleasant chapter/experience of the last month or so would like to take the family out for really perfect Japanese or maybe have an at home Japanese night...)
  13. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    (''Ikkimasho - itatakimasu...'' :)
  14. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    I'm damn curious about you Hybrid Ambassador - if you are not Japanese you must have lived there because you know Japanese culture and things that only someone who has lived there would know :) BTW - totally nothing to do with this thread and I *should* probably post it elsewhere but I am...
  15. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    I know I have possibly not been (lol) the *most* objective person in the world throughout - but then again being the victim DOES tend to make it very hard to be 100% objective or dispassionate - but even so I have ''said it as it is'' - without lies, without embellishment and simply the facts as...
  16. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    I'm confused myself on a few points guys - my main aim was to warn others about my experiences so that they didn't have to fall into the same trap I did (more than once - i.e. really bad landlords...) The lawyer bit is kind of an ''added bonus'' (I had many private messages to ask about this...
  17. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    (Okay gringoboy - I think I got that - basically, ''don't do bad if it won't bring you any good?'' Sorry - my Spanish is terrible but I think that is how I would translate it...)
  18. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Thanks Dublin :) I know what you're saying makes sense - and I should just ''move on'' - but its just that this is not the first time I have been ''had'' like this and the urge to do something about it does get stronger... Well, I'll do what I can to at least get my deposit back I think - but...
  19. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    PS Bajo_cero2 - thank you so MUCH for you constructive comments here: ''you got what you deserve'' ? Ah - you mean I got ripped off by my landlady (the same way you ripped me off 2000 dollars when you were my lawyer and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR IT - you know - the 2000 dollars I sent to your...
  20. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    I don't know what Bajo_cero2 is smoking but I really think I should buy some :) lol 8 years in jail ? ''Uso de armas o en banda'' ? Okay - myself and my partner just got back from having a few beers in Palermo but it doesn't look like I am the one who is drunk here :) lol