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  1. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Okay - still photos too which I can print out in colour - smart thinking 99 :) It looks like I will have a few forumites watching my six now - great :)
  2. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Extremely good advice mjohnstone - I have the ability to take a video with my phone - I might do that so we have a permanent record ''just in case''...
  3. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    I hear you Ceviche - I'll do what I can to get justice/get my money back - but I won't spend the rest of 2014 on it - unlike these people I actually have a life and I don't want to forget that... :)
  4. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    You guys have lost me :) lol All I know is I am so stressed out about moving again in three weeks with all our stuff that I probably need to sit down and watch something like Spartacus to relax (I've downloaded all three seasons from memory - good relaxing blood and guts stuff :) lol Sort of...
  5. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Yes - I think you got it in one there Nik - I mean literally his office looks like a judges chambers back home - from what I have heard he comes from one of the oldest and most prominent families here, ex judge and famous lawyer etc etc etc. So - I suppose I assumed that even though his woman is...
  6. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    To be honest - I really HATE it that it has degenerated into this situation - I am normally the perfect tenant - I pay my bills, I do the right thing - and unlike most of the people I have met in this country I keep my word and my agreements - I have honour - and I TRY to do the right thing by...
  7. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Nik - you read my mind - but I will reply to THAT one offlist :) lol
  8. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    PS Is it worth reporting them both to AFIP as well ? Because like Jorge Laguyas our lawyer ex landlord for three years plus they have of course taken the rent ''en negro'' and are not paying tax on it - I know everybody here does this but I am assuming this could get them into some more problems...
  9. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    THANK YOU so much for that NIk - my next stage of the attack - I will try to get an official complaint in against her and zabaleta ASAP... Wonderful - its TIME to turn the heat up...
  10. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    PS Nik - you are going to LOVE THIS PART - you've talked to my partner yourself - she's a decent hard working woman - well, first this Norma ''woman'' tells her ''don't bother cleaning up, the servant will do it - just move your stuff, hand over the keys and you'll get the money from angel (the...
  11. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Thanks for that Nik - basically she succumbed to the abuse, intimidation and threats - sadly this thread is now getting very disjointed and messy because what you want to know I've already posted in about three replies/updates here all of which are waiting for approval before being posted so I...
  12. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    (My partner is Argentine and I'll be honest - I *don't* know the law here that well - but in MOST countries there *is* a difference between a criminal matter and a civil matter - I *don't* see how either of us is going to get arrested or thrown into jail (?) My partner was worried about breaking...
  13. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Thats what I am thinking about right now Gringoboy... Sadly my partner fell for the screaming, abuse, threats, threats to call the police on her/me (and although I should have my letter from the court now to say I am a citizen its still not done and she is worried for me etc... Anyway - the...
  14. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    PS In THAT post I have requested ideas/feedback from anyone here on not only how to apply pressure/force them legally (or whatever) to give MY MONEY back but I have done my best to warn off everyone here from having dealings with these unscrupulous individuals - the lengths to which they will...
  15. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Hi Hybrid Ambassador - no that is a different lawyer - this lawyer I have named here was our landlord for the first three years in Belgrano... Sadly the large post I just did explaining the rest of the story about Norma and Zabaleta - who have now stolen my deposit money as well - that has not...
  16. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    NOW - lets do a bit of history so you all have some IDEA of what you will end up dealing with if you are silly enough to rent from these people - first of all our three years from hell with Jorge - he is a local BA lawyer who takes the greatest of pleasure screwing you in every way possible -...
  17. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    ...and just when you THOUGHT it couldn't get any better... :) Here we go guys - you're going to LOVE this - first of all - the names of the main players: 1. Jorge Estevan Laguyas. 2. Norma Renee Garcia. 3. Javier Lopez Zabaleta. These are names to keep on your ''list'' - the list of people...
  18. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Gringoboy - I like your thinking too :) HOPEFULLY today I have my deposit in my hands - 6am today I finished moving into the new (temporary) apartment and it was hell on earth - friends helping, taxis, taxi trucks - an utter high stress disaster and knowing I have to do it all and still be ready...
  19. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Cruizes - tomorrow I'll have the deposit in my hands - I promise I shall do so... And yes, I won't be giving the keys back if I don't get the deposit - and now the new tenants are here if they DON'T give me the money it could get really interesting indeed :) lol
  20. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    PS In the next update I'll hopefully be able to not only provide the names and details of the scumbag landords/landladies from hell myself and my partner have had to deal with over the last 4 years (and in the process maybe even save one of you guys here on BA Expats from being caught/becoming...