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  1. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    damn good question - I would like to know the answer to that one myself...
  2. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Yes - on that one I will be insisting - if we DO sign up for another 1.5 or 2 years it will be in writing that nothing like this happens again... And if they also agree to keep the rent at the present level (least they can do) that would also be an incentive I think - going to see what I *can*...
  3. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    I'm hearing you guys - and at this stage I am still waiting for him to get back to me - or in this case waiting for him to get back to my partner - so the *waiting around* is not helping - yes, he has ''promised'' to come up with a solution for us but until you have something you have nothing...
  4. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    For those who want to take a look its:
  5. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    BTC has been hovering around 1200 US most of the day so far :) Just thought I would throw that in there ....
  6. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Yeah - I think you're right Garry - he really does seem genuine and genuinely P...d off that is lady is such an idiot - he has made it very clear he is going to do his best to make it as easy as possible for us and like I said I suspect he has an apartment in the building that she probably...
  7. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    PPS As you can probably all ''read between the lines'' (don't want to drop names here of course) the guy - the husband - who would be about 80 or so now (but doesn't look it) is a very famous lawyer here and I think was one of their supreme court judges in the old days or something and is ''very...
  8. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    PS Bugger - sorry for that being such a long message there...
  9. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Damn it - I just realized I do owe you all a bit of an update here - you've all been kind enough to hop in with some great advice and feedback - both on here and in PMs... This is kind of a weird one though - the husband is quite old (husband of the landlady) but a very genuine and decent old...
  10. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Thanks all for the feedback so far - today is a day off for me and once my partner gets back from work we will be visiting the rental office to have a chat to them about things.
  11. J

    A Foolproof Plan To Strengthen The Peso

    lol :)
  12. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    I am just wondering if I should head to Wales to look for that hard drive...:)
  13. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Wow - this sounds like something I could *really* use Nikad - after this experience I don't really think I want to stay here for much longer - but when I wake up later on today - when I go to the rental office with my wife - I will try this angle and explain to them what the landlord might be in...
  14. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Howdy all, I am still feeling absolutely livid but I will do my best to remain a bit calm and try to explain my situation... I am coming up to 4 years here in Buenos Aires - and the first 3 years I rented in one place - with the landlord from hell - who illegally forced me to pay rent in...
  15. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    (NOT sure if I did that right - its supposed to link to the ticker to show the current price - but obviously I stuffed it up - oh well, I tried, hence the reason I am not a professional web designer I guess :)
  16. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    I'm still thinking about whether or not I should change my handle to ''Zorro'' - it sounds pretty cool but sadly I don't think I have the figure for it nowadays :) lol Probably not the best handle for my bitcoin trading account however :) Which reminds me - its time to buy MORE bitcoin - just...
  17. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    This may be of interest:
  18. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    PS Bitcoin is the currency of the future - here today - and it *is* here right now - so we might as well get used to it :) lol (And call me crazy, but WHY not also *benefit* from that fact ? :)
  19. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    Talking about scams - bitcoin (this morning) has reached another record high - 982 US dollars for one on bitstamp and 1111 US dollars on mtgox - think I might have to trade two units of this scam to make (this morning, at the current rate) a 900 dollar profit :) Gods these scams are good aren't...
  20. J

    Anyone Going To The Bitcoin Conference Next Weekend In Bsas?

    You're welcome Dave ;) I'm about to do the same thing tomorrow (again lol) - I will be getting (yet again) BETTER than the blue rate and will have deposited (directly into my account here) enough money in pesos to pay the rent for the next three months - the advantage? Well, obviously, only...