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  1. C

    Any ex pats over 40 here ?

    I am arriving in BA on December 11 and staying for one month for the process of deciding if I will retire in my home town. Part of that process is meeting ex-pats so that I can feel less alone and also have people in my life that have also taken the giant leap. Knowing we all have that...
  2. C

    Is any one else watching Glenn Beck on FOX?

    I am trying to get away from people like Glenn Beck. Don't tell me there is any correlation between him and someone living in B.A. This guy is a freak show. He is absolutley a wacko!
  3. C

    Movers/Freight Company

    your best bet is to hire someone in BA not in the States... I read that in an ex-pat book I bought on You may want to read it. google in "retiring in Argentina", it should take you to the book.
  4. C

    $1,000 USD penalty for not buying health insurance? you can watch it all on the internet. there will be over 26 million Americans not covered (on purpose) by the new bill submitted by the Senate to the House... There will be no penalty. Bad rumor just like the death panels. Don't let anyone instill fear in you...