Search results

  1. J

    Teen mothers and single parents

    Auntieapple is completely right, the US has the highest percentage of teenage pregnancies out of all western industrialized nations, twice that of Britain and six times that of Japan. Looking at the Syngirl’s statistics…there seems to be small percentage difference between the US and here and...
  2. J

    GMAT Preparation Courses?

    I researched this yrs ago and I believe there are testing centers worldwide, but not totally sure. This link might help w/ ph# contact info. Also there is which may help. Best of luck.
  3. J

    wanting to make some girl friends.....

    Yeah...I would love to make new friends, for I am 33 and from Phoenix too! I have arrived back into BsAs as of two months ago with my Argentine boyfriend and 1 yr old daughter. Lately I have been missing home more than ever, which is a sign to me that I need to get my butt out and socialize. I...
  4. J

    Ok moms & dads out there, I need your help!

    Hello everyone. I am trying to find the best options for childcare and would love your input. I have a one yr old daughter and have met a wonderful woman who could care for her at home, however I think it may be healthier for her to be with other children right now or perhaps a mixture of both...