Search results

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    Which One Are You?

    Oh, come on...I thought it was funny. Although I admit I don't fit into any of the categories. Perhaps a little bit of 1 and 4, but then there's a whole lot missing.
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    Anyone Here Ever Bought A Fideicomiso -- A New Apt. In Ba?

    An Argentine friend of mine bought into one of these I don't know how many years back. Every time we got together for coffee it was the same stressful story of this apartment and how they raised the payments every few months or so...more than the agreed and signed payment plan. They would...
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    Send $1500.00 Dollars To The Usa Every Month

    Thanks, AmigoArtistico. I do realize they try to make it as difficult as possible. I won't be at all surprised if they email me telling me I have to bring in this and that. They probably just told me I was approved to get me out of their hair yesterday, and because it was 3 pm. I only started...
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    Send $1500.00 Dollars To The Usa Every Month

    Hello. Several here in this thread said they would post back after their Ayuda Familiar process was over with. Wondering how it went? I turned in my paperwork yesterday. After quite a wait, I was informed that I could not send $1500. AmigoArtistico's post was pretty spot on comparing to my...
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    Ladies: What To Wear To A Job Interview Here?

    I wore a nice pant suit to my first interview here in 2007 and felt WAY too overdressed. Didn't get the job. Don't remember what I wore to the interview of the job I have now, but it was definitely more on the casual side. A nice pair of pants and a smart blouse should work fine. But I agree...
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    How To Use Paypal To Get Money Out?

    yes, still 20%
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    Which iphone to buy?

    Appreciate it, Tex. But I'm going home in several weeks and going to buy something new and will do the same thing I do with my computers every time I go back to the States. Update again and sell the lightly used one here.
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    Which iphone to buy?

    Thank you for the replies. This would be my first time to delve into the iPhone world. For those of you who live her long-term (i.e. don't have a cell phone contract abroad), do you buy the unlocked (ouch!) or buy with a plan (like AT&T for instance and continue paying the plan - or not - and...
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    How To Use Paypal To Get Money Out?

    Thanks to everyone for their replies. I called Visa twice this morning. Both women were polite but told me that currently payments to email addresses (or sending money, basically) is not authorized and a "security warning" shows up when they look at the account. They told me I could only...
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    Which iphone to buy?

    Sorry to revive this. I am far from being a tech expert. Is this nano SIM thing for the iPhone 5S still an issue here? Can the 5S be used without any issues?
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    How To Use Paypal To Get Money Out?

    Hi David, did you try another payment service? If so, how did it work for you? Thanks.
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    How To Use Paypal To Get Money Out?

    I'm having the same problem this morning. And came here to see if it was happening to anyone else and I see it is. But it's still working for some? My cards are also both Visa and Master gold. Both being rejected for payments under $500. (MasterCard has never gone through for me, actually.)
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    Int'l Married Couples-- Advice, Please!

    We had an engagement party (like a cocktail party) in Texas and then did the civil and church ceremony and big party here two months later. Both our immediate families could have traveled, but we all agreed a wedding in Buenos Aires would be more fun. My husband also has a much larger family...
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    International / Par Avion Envelopes

    I've found them in papelerías and librerías before, but I've only seen them with "Via Aerea" (and blue stripes around the edges).
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    It's Alive ! It's Alive ! It's Aalliiivveee !

    Has anyone ever ordered the kilo of shrimp that I've seen mulitple times on Groupon? I realize it's frozen, but I've been tempted to try it.
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    No Gas In Our Building For The Next Three Months!

    Also happened about 4 or 5 years ago in my husband's building. That was pre-wedding and I remember thinking "Thank goodness we don't live together!" It was definitely 3 months. Sounds like it's the standard. There is not a good answer as to WHY oh WHY these things take so long. Anyone take the D...
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    Free Concerts In Buenos Aires

    Going to this one tonight. My husband's friend is singing. There are so many of these events to take advantage of in the city. Thanks for the reminder.
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    Teaching English As A Stopgap

    Hi Mixiekins. I'm from might have passed through it and not noticed on I-35. :) I did the same thing you're thinking of doing 7 years ago and made it work. It's true you'll find lots on the subject using the search engine. Bottom line: you'll find work but it will take you a good...
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    To Some Marriage Is A Word; To Others A Sentence.

    MUCH cheaper. So much cheaper that my father still comments almost 4 years later on how awesome it is that we got married in Argentina instead of Texas. (It goes without saying that there are weddings of all types. I'm saying comparing between 2 similar style weddings - one in the States and one...
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    Salads...a Big Problem In Bsars

    I know the girl who started this with a partner and have talked to her about the business before. (I was particularly interested because I got halfway into starting a muffin/budin business a few years back but decided to stick with my day job.) Very successful. Lots of time and hard work, she...