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    Camping In Tigre/other Area Near-Ish The City?

    Sounds like fun. More info for camping on the isla here: http://www.solocampi...-Aires-/79.html If you decide to go I'd be interested in a trip report afterward!
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    Salads...a Big Problem In Bsars

    Yes! We had our rehearsal dinner here back in 2010 and everyone (both U.S. tourists and Argentines) loved the salad bar. For some reason I haven't been back since, Thanks for the reminder.
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    Breadmaker advice needed

    I wanted to update. It wasn't as complicated as I feared after reading responses on this thread. I went to Casa de Transformadores and asked there (I was determined to use this bread maker!) and they said a 500w transformer would work fine. I didn't buy it there because it was almost $500 pesos...
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    Changing Pesos To Dollars In Colonia - Info Needed!

    Thanks for my Monday evening chuckle.
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    Can You Leave After 93 Days?

    Please use the search function. "overstay fee" "overstaying visa" "tourist visa" "visa, airport" etc. etc. There are so many threads on this. And even if it doesn't say exactly where to walk once you enter the airport, rest assured they will let you know.
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    Ayuda Familiar

    Have the forms to fill out but wondering if it's a waste of time. I'd love to hear from you if you were recently approved to send money using Ayuda Familiar....? Thanks!
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    Snow In Ba?

    If you were here on July 9, 2007, you would definitely want to see more. Funny how it's way too cold to go outside....until it snows!!!! It was a fabulous day. A no chaos. Just millions of people who had never seen snow enjoying their first encounter. Warmed your heart.
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    Are Expats Leaving?

    Thanks to several of you for reminding me how important it is to stick with my peso job as long as they're paying for OSDE 310. I constantly forget to factor that into the equation when I think about my salary.
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    Are Expats Leaving?

    Totally. I think I would also keep our health care going here if we were to ever move away.
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    Are Expats Leaving?

    I also wanted to put in a word for the poor tacheros. I've gotten nothing but good, polite service when with my baby (and in general). The last guy even got out to help me get the stroller situated while I held my baby. Anyway, I realize we all have different daily experiences here. It has been...
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    Are Expats Leaving?

    Yet you find people either staying or wanting to come back for these very things, more or less in that order: family, friends, health care, asado Not that y'all will, of course. These are just some of the various reasons why we aren't going anywhere.
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    South San Telmo/parque Lezama

    Lived in San Telmo for 2 years and miss it bunches. Had a private student for years on Brasil y Defensa and walked through that area a lot. Would go with San Telmo any day, especially if the place is great. You'll find San Telmo feels much more neighborhood-like and cheery (if that's what you're...
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    Women Who've Made A Home Here For Love

    Excellent advice.
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    Women Who've Made A Home Here For Love

    Also a very good point. In my case, yes. Wasn't going to elaborate, but we own 2 properties (thanks to him, but under both our names) and my current salary, just for example purposes, could support both of us if it were necessary.
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    Women Who've Made A Home Here For Love

    Well, I could go on and on, but I'm pretty sure my story is already on here somewhere. For the OP: I came here in 2007 when I was 23. Definitely wasn't looking for love, but life happens. Met my future husband (Argentine) that same year. A lot like Lauren's story, really. Fast forward and we...
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    Beware Of Colonia Express

    Will just add that I've used Colonia Express twice without any problems. We were actually quite pleased. And just to be annoying, I'll say that I smiled a bit at the comment the woman threw at you about taking the bus. I think I would have said something quite similar in her situation. It's not...
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    Breadmaker advice needed

    Wow, way more complicated than I thought. Thanks for the replies, although now I'm not sure what to do with this breadmaker!
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    Breadmaker advice needed

    Wait, so you're telling me it's not going to work properly no matter which transformer I buy?
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    Breadmaker advice needed

    Didn't want to start a new thread...I have a 110v-60hz-500w breadmaker. Not that sure about transformer size. The person who sold it to me said I only needed 500w but after reading online I think you're supposed to get something higher than the actual appliance wattage, correct? Will 750w do...
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    Baby Stuff And Customs

    Might crucify your husband, but not you. We came back in November loaded down with baby stuff. I went through by myself with all the new goods just in case.