Search results

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    Donuts In Ba!

    Magic Donut is 1.5 blocks away from me, and I think they do a fine job of satiating doughnut desires. Just putting in my vote.
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    Nanny/ Babysitting Service

    Haven't used them, but people have recommended World Class Nannies: Lucia Demercurio +54 11 5166 8335 Skype: worldclassnannies
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    Milk In Bsas

    Good topic. After over 6 years I've never there any one else in the same boat in that they loved drinking a glass of cold milk back home (States for me but wherever that may be for you) but here it makes them gag? I still use it but never for just drinking a glassful. Have never...
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    When Will I Ever Learn- Mercado Libre Edition. (And Warning)

    Really sucks. I buy and sell quite a bit on ML, and on high-priced items I always include in the description that I will NOT sell to new buyers with no reputation unless they want to pay through MercadoPago. I had an almost-scare once with a digital photo frame. Not even that much of a...
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    Feel Good Thread!

    My daughter's Argentine passport arrived yesterday, and the appointment to get said passport went flawlessly, save for her screaming with every fingerprint attempt.
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    Public Breatsfeeding…

    As a new mother who is currently solely breastfeeding, I can go back and say I was personally shocked, and not necessarily in the positive way, by the amount of public breastfeeding I saw when I got here years ago. But I was young(er) and (more) naive. Having a child makes you look at so many...
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    Fbi Report

    Mine took six months back in 2010. I was on the phone constantly with the office in W Virginia. Googled the number. I think 6 months is extreme, though.
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    Non-Usd Currencies

    Make sure you change them to US dollars before leaving. You might not feel like it, but you will wish you had.
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    Great Stroller For Sale

    Probably saw the price on Amazon although it doesn't include the 2nd seat. Still, doesn't add up to $800. I'm sure you mean well and paid a lot and want to get your money back, but it really irks me (and I'm sure others) when expats try to sell other expats...
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    Conversion Option On Paypal

    Thanks for the reply. I've had other people say they aren't given an option, but I'm on right now and it shows me the total in pesos. In fact, it chooses that as default.
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    Conversion Option On Paypal

    So, I used to think that if I chose PayPal's conversion option (saw what I was "paying" in pesos) that I wouldn't get charged the 15, now 20%. But I now realize that you get charged either way. So this may seem like an obvious question to some, but I got a C in Finance...which conversion option...
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    Send $1500.00 Dollars To The Usa Every Month

    Banco Frances says, "Para realizar la transferencia deberá tener los fondos en la cuenta en pesos más la comisión de USD 60 + IVA (mínimo de comisión) y USD 25 + IVA por el gastos de envío Haven't done the math, but isn't PayPal the cheaper option??
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    How You Imagine Forum Members

    This is hilarious. I haven't been on the site much in the last several months, and this provided several smiles and chuckles! I was thinking "Tal cual!" with several.
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    Paying Twice For A Visa??

    Yes, credit card. But why would the credit card company refund the money no questions asked?
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    Paying Twice For A Visa??

    Parents are here for their 4th time. Dad had a new passport and forgot the old one with the visa in it. Had to pay $160 in Dallas. Any one in this situation have any luck getting reimbursed? I spoke with Migraciones there at EZE when I went to pick them up and they said I would have to go to...
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    Another Place For Spices And Herbs La Simbolica In San Telmo

    Yes it's wonderful! By far the store I miss most after having moved from San Telmo.
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    Attention Experienced English Teachers With Invoices

    There is a small company I've been teaching at for the last 4 years, but I'm not going to be able to continue. It's just 2 hours a week in Recoleta. 1 Pre-Intermediate group class and 1 Upper Intermediate private class. I think they're wanting in the afternoon from 4 to 6 but that's not...
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    Flete recommendation?

    Any updated recs? I haven't been able to contact either of these fellas. Thanks!
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    Prenatal Vitamins Without Vitamin A

    If you end up not being able to find them here and feel you really need/want them, perhaps you can get some sent. Or my parents are coming from the States the first week of April. They wouldn't mind bringing a bottle of vitamins for you if that's not too long to wait. On the other hand, I'm 38...
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    The New Metrobus...

    When two politicians who have never showed much interest in the environment try to outdo each other’s tree-hugging credentials, you know they’re working in a system that favors point-scoring over sound policy making. By far the most sound statement in the article.