Search results

  1. Napoleon

    Argentina Vs. Usa In World Cup: Who Would You Root For?

    RESPONSE: #1: Zusi has one assist off of a set piece. Di Maria has zero. (El no tiene nada.) Advantage: ZUSI If I were to start one, I'd definitely pick Di Maria. Every coach in the world would. But if I needed someone to take a set piece, I'd pick Zusi. (Only about 5% of the coaches in...
  2. Napoleon

    Argentina Vs. Usa In World Cup: Who Would You Root For?

    Michael Bradley has been giving the ball away in dangerous positions in perhaps an "Ode to Masherano". I have to admit that I don't know whether to count Di Maria as a "midfielder" or an offensive player. He's obviously not a striker. Obviously a midfielder. But he's an Attacking Midfielder...
  3. Napoleon

    Spilled Coffee On Macbook Air -Help!!

    I was in a mood last night, but that doesn't change the information. Use it to help you. Don't ignore it due to resentment of the way that it was presented. People laugh at my phone in a ziplock baggie. And I shake my head at people who post that they need to buy a cell phone YET AGAIN. I...
  4. Napoleon

    Argentina Vs. Usa In World Cup: Who Would You Root For?

    The US most probably isn't going to get to the quarters. That said, both teams feature iffy defenses, but Argentina's has held up better... though against lesser talent. I would actually give the midfield edge to the US... especially if Michael Bradley can snap out of whatever funk he's in...
  5. Napoleon

    Spilled Coffee On Macbook Air -Help!!

    I know a lot of people who have tried the rice method to fix their phones. Usually it helps to a certain degree, but I've had people tell me that it turns on, but their screen doesn't work anymore. I have a trick I use if I know that I'm going to be by a swimming pool, or at the beach, or in...
  6. Napoleon

    Spilled Coffee On Macbook Air -Help!!

    My ThinkPad has holes in the bottom and passage ways through the keypad area for liquids to flow through. I guess that Lenovo designers are smart, and Apple designers are either dumb asses or they expect their customers to be. Ooops... :o Good luck with that. You might want to learn from...
  7. Napoleon

    Best Gin Brands Available In Argentina

    I would suggest giving "LLAVE" a try. It's the cheapest gin you've ever bought and if you're planning mixing it with tonic (rather than using it for martinis), you might not be able to tell the difference from good brands. Lots of domestic items here are shite, but Llave is surprising good...
  8. Napoleon

    Should Argentina Default On Its Debt?

    The sad thing is that Argentina could have easily paid off the renegotiated debt and the vulture funds by now. -It would have meant less embezzling of funds by the Current Administration for themselves and their friends. -It would have meant no "Futbol Para Todos". -It would have meant not...
  9. Napoleon

    Where To Find Canned Chicken And Veg Broth

    The cubes are Fat, Essence of Chicken (or Veggies?? or Beef), and MSG/Salt. They are an excellent starter for soups, curries, and even pots o' beans (porotos). The MSG probably isn't doctor recommended, but I usually don't end up adding any salt to my creations. ESPCIALLY if I include and cute...
  10. Napoleon

    First Time Using Argie Credit Card For Travel

    Awesome post! Possibly the most concise and helpful post this side of summing up "Visas vs Citizenship". Keep posting. Much appreciated. -Nappy BS
  11. Napoleon

    Great Restaurants

    I would go with a Puerta Cerrada, Aramburu (where the food is excellent and it a memorable "experience"), or Tegui (though I've never been). I second the PickUpTheFork blog as a virtual BA Food Bible even though some of her "Goods" are "Greats" for me and a few of her "Greats" are "Goods"...
  12. Napoleon

    Cheap Meal Ideas

    Eggs In my belly.
  13. Napoleon

    Anyone Going To The World Cup?

    The massive screen was in Plaza San Martin at the base of the hill (former river bank) on the sidewalk just west-ish of the memorial. Hundreds to thousands gather for each match with the largest crowds obviously being for Argentina's matches. This year Argentina's first two group matches are...
  14. Napoleon

    Viva La Republica End The Monarchy...?? Spain

    What???!!! You have got to be keeeeeeding me!!!!!!! Obviously I haven't been using enough exclamation points because no one believes what I write when I end clauses with a "."
  15. Napoleon

    Susie's Coffee Chat - June 4Th, 4Pm
  16. Napoleon

    Huge Farmers Market

    "Just Kale Me: How Your Kale Habit Is Slowly Destroying Your Health And The World" http://huntgatherlov...ealth-and-world To quote Nancy Reagan: "Just say No!" :P
  17. Napoleon

    What Food From Your Home Country Did The Argentinians Ruin?

    Agree that "Tex-Mex" does not equal "Mexican food". It is a departure into a new style of food with different recipes. But actually it is a region of Mexico (Chihuahua) and the state of Texas (basically, either side of the Rio Grande) that created a new style. But "Argentine Italian" isn't a...
  18. Napoleon

    Frustrating Job Search

    Other option... GET OUT OF RICHARDSON!! Unless you're married with kids in the public school system, you should not be living there. Just saying.
  19. Napoleon

    Frustrating Job Search

    If you can keep clients (whatever that could entail) and work remotely from BsAs, then that would be the ideal option. Then, once here, you could work your way into something based here. (If you still found that you wanted too.)
  20. Napoleon

    Q: Rental Negotiation Vs Inflation

    Well done chap. (Of course I didn't look at it the first time.)