Search results

  1. Napoleon

    Are The Price Increases Affecting You?

    I made ceviche in January and it was awesome. Made it again (this time without help) in February and it was still pretty good. My biggest problem was finding cilantro. (That was nearly impossible the first time and actually was impossible the second time.) But it's so much cheaper to make...
  2. Napoleon

    Are The Price Increases Affecting You?

    First thing: I've held off on having kids. ;-) Second: I buy those PRECIOS PARA TODOS items Third: I walk a fair amount. Fourth: I don't buy mor than two drinks at a bar. (I'm not much of a drinker anyway.) Fifth: I cook almost all the time. Sixth: I almost never go on dates. :-(...
  3. Napoleon

    Who Will Be Elected President In 2015?

    If this is true, then that's MUCH BETTER than re-electing the same thing. Change, Change, Change, Change... NO ONE should stay in power over 4 years... much less one couple for 12 years with hopes of a way of gaming the system to stay longer. Change, Change, Change, Change...
  4. Napoleon

    Cfk's Stagnant Dollar

    Why are you still eating BREAD?!?! How many health studies need to come out pointing to the harms caused by empty carbs. The "Grains" section used to be at the bottom of the "Nutritional Pyramid" showing how many of each food category a person should eat. Taking up the bottom space meant that...
  5. Napoleon

    Chinese Trains Arrive In Buenos Aires

    They learned this tactic from W's administration and the Afghan & Iraq wars. As obvious as what they're doing is, it still works for the most part. < < mind bottling > >
  6. Napoleon

    Cafes For Writing And For Thinking

    I second this. It has been recently renovated (I believe) and going there is like stepping into a time warp. Plus, it's rarely busy, so the distractions will be at a minimum. (Haven't tried writing there yet myself, but it's a cool spot.)
  7. Napoleon

    How To Make Empanada's?

    I had a Quinoa & Cheese empanada at at art thing recently in that galleria/pasaje thing on Av. Santa Fe between ~Anchorena & Laptida. The little cafe/counter thing is called "POT Cafe". I thought of the poor Bolivians losing their centuries old protein source as I glanced around the...
  8. Napoleon

    How To Make Empanada's?

    Fermented? Or unfermented?
  9. Napoleon

    Parcels From Abroad And Customs Marlarky.....

    First rule of Post Club: "You don't ship stuff to Argentina." Second Rule of Post Club: "See the First Rule." Why set yourselves up to be victims? EVERYONE says Do NOT Ship Stuff to Argentina!! If you want something shipped, set up a P.O. Box in Colonia, Uruguay, then take a trip over there...
  10. Napoleon

    Poll: When Is Red's Argentine Honeymoon Over?

    Is that ^ ^ ^ ^ a new poll?
  11. Napoleon

    How To Make Empanada's?

    "The Argentine Experience" While we are on the subject of 1-2 day courses of complicated things... I'm looking for courses in: -How to Make Hot Chocolate -How to Drink Mate -How to Make Pure de Papa Thanks. I'll hang up and listen.
  12. Napoleon

    Lunch Chat - Sun, 27 Apr, 2Pm

    Hailing from Texas, I'm feeling a strong obligation to get up off my ass and make it this week. We shall see... PS- I don't look exactly like my photo. That was taken a few (read "dozen") decades ago.
  13. Napoleon

    What's The Visa Interview Like? (In Us,argentine Consulate)

    Here's what you need to do: 1) Get your fingerprints taken at your local police station and then send them off to the FBI for a background check. (West Virginia I believe.) 2) Get a copy of your high school transcript. (Not sure if this is even needed.) That's about it. When your...
  14. Napoleon

    What's The Visa Interview Like? (In Us,argentine Consulate)

    They ask all sorts of things: -Do you know mate? -What do you think of Argentine wo/men? -Do you know Fernet? (Do you like it?) -Argentina has the best pizza in the world, right? (This is tricky, because you don't realize it's a question... you really think it's a joke, but it's a question...
  15. Napoleon

    Guyana - Suriname - French Guiana

    French Guyana should be part of Brazil! Look at a map! Look at a map! Because! It should! Look at a map! Look at a map!
  16. Napoleon

    Strange Customs Experience Crossing Private Boat To Carmelo

    They'll make you leave the country. Which is exactly what you'll be doing anyway. Don't worry about.
  17. Napoleon

    Strange Customs Experience Crossing Private Boat To Carmelo

    Sounds like an episode of "Green Acres". I would have blown off getting the Uruguay stamp in the first place, unless this was your "visa run".
  18. Napoleon

    Argentine Senator Robbed In Gerli

    Totally agree! Ain't that a shame?! It sounds like someone was playing a cheap trick on Anibal.
  19. Napoleon

    Possum In The Kitchen!

    Possum: I recommend you keep clear of my Texas friends. They don't quite understand the Rodney King rhetorical question- "Can't we all just get along?" Be safe out there.