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  1. P

    does overstaying tourist visa affect chances work visa?

    No - you can do everything here for the work visa. I don't know about outstaying a visa affecting the chance of getting a visa. I left often the country often enough for it never to be a problem.
  2. P

    Constancia de la alta temprana

    Quick question concerning a work visa. I took my certificado de residencia precaria to migraciones this morning along with my alta temprana from AFIP...with that I received a sheet of paper saying that I had completed everything for the Constancia de la alta temprana. My question is do I have...
  3. P

    ATM Update

    I usually take out 490 at a time (to get some small bills) - not sure what the upper limit is but it's definitely more than 300. That being said, the limitation could be from your actual bank account and not related to the physical ATM.
  4. P

    ATM Update

    Try Banelco ATMs - I got a fee at a BNP Link ATM but no fee from Banelco ATMs...
  5. P


    If anyone is still looking for a Tallo Verde referral let me know. I used the service for the first time last week and was happy with the service and product. 50% off is also a nice way to start.
  6. P

    Getting ATM/VISA cards from the US

    I have had two cards sent to me either overnight or next day air. Once through my bank (bank of america) and once directly through VISA who supposedly will provide the expedited printing and mailing of your card ONCE a year free of charge.
  7. P

    90 day visa

    I'm not familiar with a 180-day visa, but with a tourist visa you can leave before the term of the visa and re-enter to obtain a new visa. Are you a US passport holder?
  8. P

    Bank Account

    Right - we have accounts at Banco Frances and Santander Rio, so we wanted to have one opened with one of them to make things easier. My company wrote a letter for the bank, including their CUIT and bank account number, etc. Hopefully that'll work - thanks for the advice.
  9. P

    Bank Account

    Has anyone opened a bank account at Banco Frances? I need to open an account (Caja de Ahorro Sueldos) so that my company can direct deposit my salary. I have a CUIL and Certificado de Residencia I need anything other than my passport to get this done??
  10. P

    90 day visa

    I have stamps with both - entry stamp from 1/6 says nothing, 5/18 says "TA-3 meses" and 6/28 says "Tourista 90 days". I wouldn't worry about it.
  11. P

    Finance jobs in BA

    Save for my birth certificate and apostille, I did everything from BsAs ON MY OWN for the work visa. If you have any particular questions, let me know.
  12. P

    ...Currently in the States...

    Just put a return date way out in the future (6 months or so) and change it if you need to. And while it doesn't make a lot of sense, more often than not a round trip could be less expensive than a one way (save the "one-way" carriers like southwest).
  13. P

    Anses - cuil

    ok - annoying that you have to carry another piece of paper to leave/enter the country. Can you carry a photocopy or do you have to have the original? Last question I promise :)
  14. P

    Anses - cuil

    I read somewhere that you couldn't go until 30 days after you received the residencia precaria, so I wasn't sure. I return to migraciones with the certificate de residencia precaria 30 days after they gave it to me to receive the "real" thing - whatever it is. Do they put something in your...
  15. P

    Anses - cuil

    thanks to both of you - and can I go before the 30 days on my precaria?
  16. P

    Anses - cuil

    I know there is information scattered around about obtaining a CUIL but I couldn't find the information I needed. I went to migraciones last week and now have my CERTIFICADO DE RESIDENCIA PRECARIA and need to go to ANSES to get my CUIL. Has anyone done this recently? Do I need to make an...
  17. P

    Finance jobs in BA

    A company is going to have to sponsor you to get a work visa (ie contract, etc.) If it's a multi-national company it'll be easier. If it's a small company doing it for the first time (my experience), it is more of a hassle. But to answer the question, you can't just "get" a work visa - you...
  18. P

    Selling of Used Furniture

    You can try Deremate or MercadoLibre. I've bought new stuff from MercadoLibre, but they might have used products as well.
  19. P

    Moneda Melodramas

    I got 20 monedas at the Banco de la Nacion on Wednesday at Santa Fe 4162. You do not need to take a number, just go to Caja 1. I was there for another cause but saw the sign for monedas and happily took 20.
  20. P


    And just an FYI - The Hangover is translated as "Qué pasó ayer" here when you're looking at movie listings.