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  1. P

    Rentista Visa Renewal Questions

    While they've been talking about enforcing it they have yet to impose the visa fee for US Passport holders. No telling if they'll have implemented the visa fee in December 2009...
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    Where to buy Patagonia beer in BA?

    I saw it at Jumbo Easy's last weekend - if I remember correctly is was just over 6 pesos a bottle...
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    3 Travel Questions

    Julia, I don't think you'll run into any problems with herbs or supplements. Prescription drugs would be the only thing that potentially could be an issue but I doubt even that. If you choose to bring a guitar as your carry-on, you're entitled to the overhead space just as much as I am to...
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    Puerto Madero

    I do not know what it's like to live there but as far as safety is concerned the area is heavily trafficked by tourists and people there on business expense accounts, so there is a sizable police force present to keep it that way. There are plenty of restaurants - most likely overpriced...
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    Student Visa Paperwork

    I went today and had no problem. In and out in 10 minutes.
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    Student Visa Paperwork

    Does anyone know for certain that Piedras 115 does NOT accept the 24-hour form? I paid for 24 hour and am going in an hour. I guess I'll figure it out. Will update later. Update: I got to the Tucuman office around 9:40 and walked out of the door before 10:00. After the initial confusion of...
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    Work VISA duration

    After submitting all the papers, do you have to set up another "turno" to actually receive the work visa or do you return whenever it's ready? I ask because I have a turno on June 1st (i may or may not have my FBI records by then) and am leaving the country June 16-27 (not going to the states...
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    Student Visa Paperwork

    steveinbsas - any particular reason not to go to the location on Tucuman? I have everything I need thanks to your very specific details. Thanks!
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    packages from US

    Glad you were able to get the package, but since I just received a notice today, I thought I'd post the location of the place in Retiro: Centro Postal Internacional Letonia y Antartida Horario: 10:00 a 17:00 HS. de Lunes a Viernes Do you have to have your passport or can you use a passport...
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    PASSPORT type photos

    I need to get two 4cm x 4cm photos as well for my work visa, so I'm listening. Gouchobob - do you happen to remember which place near the Embassy? I like right there. Thanks.
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    Passport Translation

    Just another confirmation that no translation is required... Buenas días, si su pasaporte es plurilingüe no necesita traducción. Saludos cordiales. Depto. de Asesoramiento al Migrante.
  12. P

    Passport Translation

    That is helpful - thanks. Mine being a relatively new passport, it has the English/French/Spanish translation already on the first two pages (of personal info). Has anyone had a translator translate this? What would they do....spanish is already there?? It's no problem to get thing...
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    FBI Clearance

    That's exactly what I'm wondering...if I can send them a digital copy, have it translated and certified and then just affix the original it would be easier. Also, I currently have a FBI criminal records check but since I'm returning to the states, will have to get another. I've told the...
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    FBI Clearance

    Sorry to keep getting back to this topic, but must you submit original the Birth Certificate/Apostille and FBI records with translation/certification or can you submit photocopies of these? I guess I'm asking if I have to physically meet the translator to give originals or if I can simply scan...
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    Can anyone recommend a tailor who speaks some English. I need to get the sleeves of a few blazers shortened - I'm happy to practice my Spanish but not at the expense of a nice piece of clothing...
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    Legal Translation

    Haha - it probably wouldn't be the first time, but my boss found this translator so I wasn't even involved. Regardless, thank you all for the suggestions, I'm going to get in contact with them!
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    NYC Bagels

    I know none of you know me personally, but I have to support the bagels from bagelazo. I tried a dozen a few weeks ago, four different kinds and was very pleased. Also to note is that they do very well frozen and thawed as I can't eat a dozen alone. After not having a bagel for 8 months, I...
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    FBI Clearance

    I called sometime last week and got an appointment for June 1st, so perhaps if you have an immigration lawyer they can get one faster. It's too bad because I am returning to the states before my appointment and have to send my finger prints to the FBI again (and seriously doubt they'll return...
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    LAN Airlines - OUTRAGEOUS!!

    Unfortunately LAN and Aerolineas Argentinas have different (as you found, almost double) prices for foreigners. I wouldn't waste the time to write a letter...
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    Legal Translation

    Thank you both - steveinbsas, do you have any contact info for the translator that you used?