Search results

  1. P

    Legal Translation

    I'm curious if anyone has a translator they would recommend. I found a translator who quoted me around 850 to translate my Birth Cert, FBI Criminal Records report and total passport (plus 40 pesos for each to be certified). I have no idea what a translator costs and wanted to get an idea if...
  2. P

    Passport Translation

    This might be a stupid question, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I am getting my passport translated and am curious if I just need the first two pages translated or do I also need the "Important Information" (pages 2-7 on the US Passport) translated as well... So if I go with the...
  3. P

    Great Sushi

    Dashi is pretty good and I like Dominga as well - they have a little more variety than others, I've found.
  4. P

    Know any place here in Capital that does fingerprinting?

    There is a police station on Lavalle next to the California Burrito Co. Take the FBI print out to them and ask them to take the prints. They might tell you no (several times), but insist that one of your friends has gotten prints taken there. If they budge, you're in for a pretty hilarious...
  5. P

    Peanut Butter

    If you have a Cuisinart here and you like almonds, almond butter is great alternative. I don't know where you can buy them in bulk, but if you put a few cups at a time into a Cuisinart and let it go until you have a smooth consistency, that's all there is to it.
  6. P


    There isn't a whole lot to it size-wise. It's a small area with plenty of old buildings and stuff to see. Make sure to try a chivito while you're there. I spent an afternoon which was enough...
  7. P

    Anyone From East Coast!

    25 from Columbia, SC, living in Palermo
  8. P

    How do I call a Cell Phone number?

    you might try 54-911-xxxx-xxxx that's what my parents have to dial to call me from the states at least....
  9. P

    What happened to the Subte?

    The last time it happened it dragged on for several days, but I guess no way to be sure.
  10. P

    What happened to the Subte?

    Looks like another feud between with the union. This happens every now and then. I was headed down myself after work and saw the doors locked - had to resort to the bus.
  11. P

    Receiving Mail in BA

    I had a debit card expedited (maybe second day air) from the States - I think via DHL and it arrived at my office without a problem. I know larger packages can be a hassle which is why I haven't gone that route yet...
  12. P

    Books wanted..

    I came across this guide a while ago while looking for English bookstores - I went to La Boutique Del Libro on Thames which, while many are old "classics", had at least several bookshelves full of books. The english section is upstairs above the cafe area - it took me several walks around to...
  13. P

    Seperate Work Permit?

    Yeah that website looks expensive for one document. I'm still awaiting a reply from the consulate here to see if they can help. Thanks for your suggestions.
  14. P

    Seperate Work Permit?

    Yes the FBI report is being sent to me here in BsAs. The FBI's site specifically says that it will not apostille or certify the report, so I was wondering what authority here or in the states would be able to do it. I already had my birth certificate apostilled by the Secretary of State in...
  15. P

    Seperate Work Permit?

    Not totally unrelated, but in trying to get everything together for my work visa I just sent for my FBI records last week and was wondering if someone could tell me who or how to get them certified and apostilled once they return.
  16. P

    Where to get passport photos...

    I need to have two passport photos taken for my work visa application...does anyone know where I can get that taken care of? edit: never mind, sounds like you can get them all over the place...
  17. P

    Reciprocal visa fees

    I read about the reciprocal visa fee on the forums a while ago and was worried that I'd have to fork up when I returned from the States (1/5) after Christmas. There was no such visa fee and I didn't notice any signs indicating that it would be starting at a certain date. Just an FYI to those...
  18. P

    ATM eats Debit Card

    Last night my ATM card was eaten by an ATM at BNP Paribas (Oro y Demaria), said it couldn't read the card and then wouldn't return it. Today I checked online and have 5 transactions (all today) from Easy's in Pilar. Has this every happened to anyone??
  19. P

    Where to buy coax cable...

    Does anyone know where you can buy a coax cable for a TV? The cable that goes straight from the wall. I've been to Fravega, Easy's, and a few small electronics stores and struck out at all of them. I just bought a TV and can't watch anything...Thanks.
  20. P

    Aaaaargggghhhh! (Oh no!)

    As a fellow expat in his mid-twenties who moved to BsAs alone a few months ago with very limited spanish and having never visited before, I have to applaud anyone who decides to move out of the country for whatever reason. I realize some people on the forum have issues with those working...