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  1. gpop

    Prices Electronics

    I'm personally bummed about the crappy state of what hold the name of STANLEY here in Argentina(and apparently some are made in Brazil) ... I was getting my hopes up for getting my hands on some good woodworking tools. I was wrong.
  2. gpop

    Prices Electronics

    Exactly! I think it was DavidGlen who told me about a olive oil producer in Mendoza who was forced to dump thousands of litres of oil for want of a stupid little machine part that was only available in the US, but because of the Kult's import policies could not be obtained. The business (and any...
  3. gpop

    Goodbye To The Cepo

    I think that a portion of what constitutes a price-hike is speculation by opportunistic sellers. Mercadolibre is a prime example of some folks just making up prices and justifying exorbitant sums as the fault of the exchange, tariffs, tax, 'handling'. It's exactly this unrealistic manoeuvring...
  4. gpop

    Goodbye To The Cepo

    The thing that Macri has that the Kult does not is a new spring of dialogue with nations that have since dismissed Argentina as unreliable and not credible. This could turn the tables on whatever contingency that the Kult may have... if he can swing the funding.
  5. gpop

    Presidential Transition

    Hey guys, maybe he's right; seems like we are all too simple, too stupid, or too contaminated to understand the complex saintly benevolence of her majesty, Christina of Argen-Kult. If something went wrong... well it was obviously someone elses fault. She was right all along: Argentina is way...
  6. gpop

    Is Palermo Very Noisy?

    I have not found any locations within the city that I find quiet. There is always the presence of excessively loud (muffler-less or deliberately made to sound like it) cars/motorcycles, parties that stretch well into the next morning, musician neighbours having regular jam sessions, drunken...
  7. gpop

    Peronist Future?

    The Kult is no friend of environmental matters. Their pushy demeanour for production of soy and only soy is and will continue to be a nightmare for agriculture for a very long time. I don't believe they have addressed the situation in Chaco either (as a result of the increase of GMO seed and...
  8. gpop

    Presidential Transition

    come on, this was a stacked deck. those children as you call them were breaking the quorum... up until thy pulled in another k loyalist to get the quorum they needed to continue that farce. There was no hope of debate. I fail to understand how this is a sane way to run a country.
  9. gpop

    Presidential Transition

    Do you really believe that in 6 hours, each and every item on the agenda was thoughtfully and critically addressed? Do you sign contracts without reading them thoroughly? Doesn't matter what the [benign] title of the law is; it is the clauses contained within that may/may not be exploited by...
  10. gpop

    Peronist Future?

    What you described here sounds eerily like a cult- the K cult - the KULT :P
  11. gpop

    Presidential Transition

    Well it's a just a bloody farce now. 96 laws passed in 6 hours. I doubt that any of the text in each law was even looked at. I wouldn't be surprised what kind of ridiculous clauses were snuck in. This kind of irresponsible administration and back-biting is precisely the reason I claim that the...
  12. gpop

    Study A Master's Degree In Ba As A Foreigner

    Interesting; I'm toying with the idea of returning to my - derailed ( in favour of other less laborious degree :P ... mia culpa ) - M.Arch. As a matured, permanent resident what considerations and school is best suited? (sorry, not trying to hi-jack the thread, but perhaps it's related in some...
  13. gpop

    Bravo Argentina

    i guess xtina should have spent more on education and less on campora
  14. gpop

    Changes I Want To See With The New President

    Treat them as what they are: criminals, thugs, mafia, gangs. Just because they are part of the "es lo que hay" mentality, it does not justify NOT doing something decisive to crack down on these people.
  15. gpop

    Bravo Argentina

    What makes you believe that the right-wing has the cornerstone of applying military rule? Khmer Rouge? Chinese Communists? The scope of a coups d'état cannot be measured only in the context of the history of one event and only in one place. The people have spoken and without a shot fired; well...
  16. gpop

    Quiting Smoking In/arg.

    I'll give any of the old methods another go, although at this point- it seems like it's going to be a combination of many or all of the recommendations. Thanks for those who reached out...this is helpful. My wife an I both have to concede to a plan of action and stick to it. That was part of why...
  17. gpop

    Quiting Smoking In/arg.

    Several years ago I went to a pulmonologist and was encouraged to start on Champix (Chantix) treatment, before that I tried a patch and other nicotine replacement methods. I had serious doubts about this drug and was very hesitant after researching this product. The fact that this changes brain...
  18. gpop

    Dentist - Should I Go Or Should I Wait?

    wow, this thread is still going on?!?! jeez,go to the dentist...ANY dentist before it's too late :P
  19. gpop

    Searching For An Internship In Buenos Aires!

    Ok, but it looks like it's something that wasn't really formalized until 2008 under ley. 26.427. I mentined that from my experience I've not seen this, but hey. I guess not. Mia culpa.
  20. gpop

    Making A Bad Situation Right

    Getting off-topic... sure, your're absolutely right about that (and there is no short supply of that in here) , but I don't know that the sudden lynching was warranted either. That reminded me of that episode of Seinfeld when Kramer didn't want to wear the ribbon at the AIDS walk... the popular...