Search results

  1. gpop

    Searching For An Internship In Buenos Aires!

    Honestly, I think that the concept of internship is a completely foreign idea in Argentina. I've never even come across any examples of it here in the several years and offices I've worked in. The labour laws do not favour employers when it comes to having someone working on an unpaid basis...
  2. gpop

    Is It Time To Separate Passengers From Luggage ?

    How is drug trafficking not a security issue? The sercurity bottle-neck at airports is dominated by either possible terrorism, drug trafficking, or human trafficking. I don't see how anonymous luggage solves the issue of air travel cost. The fact that people are trying to smuggle anything...
  3. gpop

    Is It Time To Separate Passengers From Luggage ?

    This is assuming that all the travelers are law abiding folks right? For those that are not so inclined, then the passenger:luggage link should remain... say for instance: passenger Smith gets pulled aside to be asked about a certain piece of luggage with the first question being "is this...
  4. gpop

    Political Activism In The Streets

    why would it be wrong to remove a sign... if someone has the right to put one up, then the right to remove a sign is the same thing.
  5. gpop

    All In One Day

    In typical Argie style... a few friends were lauging about, and liking a this FB post: I think it's one of those stupidities that gets perpetuated by the fact that the ONLY thing Argies take seriously is futbol, the rest is just fluff.
  6. gpop

    All In One Day

    It was heartbreaking... last night around 11:30 I got down to finally booking tickets for Germany; I was taking my time searching with a few tabs open, then boom! 12 O'clock and the the price of the [3] flights I had decided upon shot up by ~$23, 000 pesos! Across the board the prices shot up...
  7. gpop

    Visa To Brazil And New Scanning Requirement

    I when through this TODAY!!! i got my fotos done quickly near my home, got to the Canadian embassy and they refused the photos for a slight shadow on the wall. :angry:........ With only 50 minutes left until [passport services] closed, i hacked it to Santa Fe 853 (Expofot 4312-5179) and got...
  8. gpop

    Visa To Brazil And New Scanning Requirement

    or thers this: i thought these [handheld scanners] were gone in the 90's but they're back!
  9. gpop

    Finding Interesting Items For Sale On Mercado Libre

    while this thread is back; i thought to mention some of my recent experience an item I've been looking for, not because it's so interesting, but more to the point- interesting because of how the search only revealed counterfeit products (or fake parts). The product Ive been searching for is...
  10. gpop

    Skyscraper Couples In Puerto Madero

    hmm, could it be that having the pair creates the wind-tunnle effect needed to cool off all the hot-air generated by the people who live in them. :P
  11. gpop

    What Is The Argentine' Secret To Always Smelling So Good?

    really ? i found quite the opposite; particularily when I used to take the bus... summer time was either a rank stink, or overly perfumed individuals. Both made me glad to leave the bus a couple of stops earlier and suck some fuel exhaust instead. Maybe in the area you're in there are relatively...
  12. gpop

    Syrian Refugees In Uruguay

    ooofa, and to think... I had to work to pay for the same stuff. Well, no time like the present; I'm gonna go try to convince the wife to have another baby so we can cash in on this gov-love! :P
  13. gpop

    Syrian Refugees In Uruguay

    ok, now I'm upset... thinking back, it occurs to me that I never got a job, house, car, or even a 'welcome basket' when I became permanent here. Maybe Christina is feeling generous.... anyone got a jerry-can they can lend me? :P
  14. gpop

    Syrian Refugees In Uruguay

    Were they expecting all-access pass and a new Mercedes? I don't get it. It's funny to me when I hear people complain that a government is not pampering them the way they expect it to. Lot's of folks are confused about the role of government.
  15. gpop

    Top 50 Restaurants In Latam

    why not have a top X restaurants in Argentina ranked by BAExpats? get a bunch of recommendations, compile a list, then vote to rank them.
  16. gpop

    Air Conditioning Install

    Just as point of comparison; I've been looking at a puerta blindada installation with Pentagono, they quoted me $4000. Installing an AC take much less time and easier than fitting a new security door and frame. AC installation in BA is a racket. When I got my AC (admittedly, many years ago, the...
  17. gpop

    Leaving The Country With Kids (And Money)

    Last year we traveled to Mexico. My wife and child have Argentine passports, I travel with my Canadian passport... my passport number changed when I last renewed it. This was a problem as the 'red book' documentation quoted my old passport number. We were almost denied boarding because those...
  18. gpop

    Government : Enacting Biometrics Law

    It is strange, and your right re: searching on the title, but I've found a few more indexed postings by searching on the subject pertaining to BA. Perhaps the pdf title has been changed or the file has been doctored... but the idea peaked my interest. From one point, HOW would they do...
  19. gpop

    Starbucks Vs A Good Old Cafeteria.

    I've 86ed Starbucks over 2 years ago in favour of Cafe Martinez. They make a half decent club sandwich too.
  20. gpop

    Government : Enacting Biometrics Law

    http://www.vialibre....4-15D3730-2.pdf I cannot verify the source as authentic document published by a government body, but let's assume it's authentic.