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  1. C

    From Russia With Love

    Right, well, it is 19 days and yes, i'll check for myself; but if it's 25 or 30 i will just die... surprised there are so few fountains around (maybe i've not seen them?) because those make such a difference!!! and if worst comes to worst, one can 'fall' into one, accidentally ;) really helps
  2. C

    Practicalities: Cordoba Y Ayachucho: Tribunales, Once

    You sound like you know what you are talking about and have a decent filter. Thanks for your feedback! May i ask re particular recomendations in either V.Crespo or Almagro which you'd go to, aside from the ones usually mentioned in tourist guides? Thanks!
  3. C

    Practicalities: Cordoba Y Ayachucho: Tribunales, Once

    Hi, you don't even know how helpful this level of detail is for me! Thank you so very much. I wanted to stay around some places i knew (eg ElBeso, Carrefour on Santa Fe, Babieka for 24/7 bad coffee ;) and within close proximity to Congreso, which is where most traditional milongas happen. And i...
  4. C

    Practicalities: Cordoba Y Ayachucho: Tribunales, Once

    Thanks. It is reassuring, yet rather depressing. the highlight of my neighboorhood will be Starbux ;)
  5. C

    Practicalities: Cordoba Y Ayachucho: Tribunales, Once

    oh dear, i hope not - i was assured it's great, safe and fantastic. exact corner would be viamonte y ayachucho, so it's kind of between the water palace and faculty of medicine - i used to live on other side of cordoba, closer to Sta fe, totally residential?
  6. C

    Practicalities: Cordoba Y Ayachucho: Tribunales, Once

    Hello, would anyone please share some recomendations as to this neighboorhood and walking distance /around? -greengrocer, butcher/deli, small food shops, cheese shops, bakeries, patiserries -good restaurants that you yourself will go to, categories: nice, ethnic, romantic, seafood, quality...
  7. C

    Dating In Argentina / Dating Argentine Men

    I disagree. Let's see: 1. many AG men are good looking. check. 2. and so are many european, UK, N American men. 3. a great looking guy is cool but if he opens his mouth and you feel that your head is going to pieces - Apollo disappears and you only see an 'exit' sign over a nearest door...
  8. C

    From Russia With Love

    Still 36C? ;( ok, we are doing Reserva Costanera Sur instead of Potagonia. Closer and cheaper and cooler. Like on a Saturday, early March? i'll make a separate post about it. most people don't work on sat, rigth?
  9. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    Ha, that's how you'll recognize me - a floppy beige sun hat!!! Hello everyone, it's me, an American Tourist ;) You are exactly right. The latest and brightest news: I do look like a Portena almost all the time. As long as i don't open my mouth . Or have a hat. The jury is still out on...
  10. C

    Six Months After: Ba Vs. Madrid

    - i wonder what your view would be. i agree here 200%. for me, the 'buzz' had a bit of all mixed in - the people, the humour, sports, history , perspective; also more tangible for many - music scene, varied and unmatched ; art shows ; theatre; travel w mixture of all styles in everythign...
  11. C

    From Russia With Love

    So beaches are a great idea, the prettier the better ;) I do not mean to reinvent the wheel here, and i wonder about other 'expat' and 'simply fun and awesome' events which people on this forum attend. So far - browsing - i've happended upon a picnic (hope it was fun for all!), a pub crawl, some...
  12. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    Hi tangueraintrepida - many thanks, it is really helpful info and it totally makes sense and very detailed! so if i understand you correctly , money /keys inside bra, take minimum w you, taxi back, phone to let someone know where/when -i used to leave purse under table. but frequently most...
  13. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    Cool ideas, keen observational skills , -- Thanks Everybody! Oh dear, it's hard to be a woman in BsAs... Or perhaps to be in BsAs in summer... ;) So, specific/concrete questions based on above: 1. A hat. i will wear one. have 2 cotton ones : lilac 20s style cloche from a London designer...
  14. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    i have a Guia T, it's useful absolutely. i also really like larger maps w general orientation/like those in guides, or the milonga map which essentially shows entire city center w landmarks, so as a newcomer/tourist you feel like you understand where you are going. I walk a lot, you see, and...
  15. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    that is a generational thing, europe/n.america/russia etc. part of formal attire for men was jacket and hat. even as tourist/in a sanatorium/traveling. 1940s, 50s it started to die down as a woman, until ?1910s? going out without your hat meant one thing only. same idea.
  16. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    I wonder if that's defined more by where one goes out? eg, people probably would dress more elegantly/dress, updo etc going to theatre, than to a bar/club esp. if long night dancing is planned - thus flats/cute tops? Personally, my porteno friend in NYC thought i make too much effort when we...
  17. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    Beautiful piece of writing, it belongs in a guidebook somewhere... Fun - thank you!! Psychological and cultural insights indeed. I agree with what you describe as prevailing fashions; BA is not the 'stylish' place it is rumored to be, but rather an adolescent representation of such with clear...
  18. C

    From Russia With Love

    Your pictures are magnificent. Wow. especially the lakes. now i have to change my plans ;) as for swimming - Las Grutas seems warmest of them all. anything warm with sand ! i have heard good things re Carilo, you are not a big fan?
  19. C

    How To Not Pass For A Tourist?

    Great advice, thanks so much to everyone here!
  20. C

    From Russia With Love

    Thanks for the tip! I did not realize it's that easy. so that would be lake district, and there are beaches there? i'll look into that.