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  1. Peony54

    Recycling Bins

    Aw if you had caught it on film and gotten it somehow on the news maybe you could've gotten them to actually recycle them in the future!
  2. Peony54

    Cat Vet Recommendation-Naturalpath Or Homeopath?

    No you can't force him to drink but my cat drinks a lot more than he used to with the changes I made and of course gets hydration through the wet food
  3. Peony54

    Cat Vet Recommendation-Naturalpath Or Homeopath?

    So my cat suffered from a blocked urethra a few months back. Apparently it can be confused with a uti as well. While in Argentina the vet likely mistook this for a uti some years back as well. These three things can be confused and stones related to the blocked urethra. After his problem was...
  4. Peony54

    Full-Time Position As Coo Of A Small, Fast-Growing Company.

    What does the company do?
  5. Peony54

    State Of Emergency Declared In Ba Province

    Interesting that this is what it took for them to realize that things were out of control
  6. Peony54

    How's The Real Estate Market In Buenos Aires???

    Keep in mind tourist rental rates are completely different than a 2 yr lease rate. The owner charges more because there's no promise of having that property rented year round and I assume the upkeep is more expensive not to mention if going through an agency they have to pay a percentage for...
  7. Peony54

    Fleeing Buenos Aires

    Did you forget what country you're in?
  8. Peony54

    Starting A Business In Buenos Aires

    You do have to pay a fee when coming in with animals. I don't know if it's usually that much though.
  9. Peony54

    Iphone Through Ezeiza Customs?

    You would only have an issue bringing multiple iPhones in. It's not like they don't allow people to own iPhones they just don't want you bringing them in to sell.
  10. Peony54

    Immigration For Dummies

    I believe you have to renew your student visa before you can renew the DNI...
  11. Peony54

    So I Tried To Get A Dni...

    One thing to keep in mind while looking for another job I believe your current work visa will only apply to the company that sponsored you. The visa will last the year but another company that wants to hire you en blanco would have to have you reapply for a visa for their company (this coming...
  12. Peony54

    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    I had to pay the 35% tax on travel back in June when I flew home to the us. Luckily it was just on the pet carrier since my originating flight was from the us. I paid with my foreign cc at American Airlines.
  13. Peony54

    My "new To Ba" Post

    Hope you enjoy your stay!! What are you doing in BA? Traveling or working?
  14. Peony54

    Appointment To Renew Us Passport?

    sorry i misread your post, i thought you were wondering if it was possible to get a new passport at the embassy and not mail away for it to the States!
  15. Peony54

    Appointment To Renew Us Passport?

    Looks like yes!
  16. Peony54

    Spray Tan Info?

    I think you could do great business here of course like most places once the summer is over. It's smart to get planning before then of course! I think the whole tanning booth fad is coming to an end as women realized how bad it is for their skin but spray tan has not really hit here or at least...
  17. Peony54

    Picking Up An Xbox @ Correo Argentino

    You might have trouble if the xbox is in the original packaging otherwise you could maybe have gotten away with saying its used. I think it will be clear to them it's worth over 50 usd. But I actually don't know how much it costs! Since it's a present do you know if different rules apply?
  18. Peony54

    Verizon "global Phone" Not So Global.

    Verizon does not work in Argentina. Surprised they didn't tell you that, did you tell them exactly where you were going?? -oops never mind didn't see that you were using a different phone company here.
  19. Peony54

    Residency For Parent Of Argentinian Child

    I think you'd just have to pay taxes on your Argentine income
  20. Peony54

    Permanent Residence And Reciprocity Fee Question

    Your dni expires generally if you haven't been in the country over two years but I recall one woman saying her residency doesn't expire because she got it through her argentine mother so the case might be similar for you if you got your residency through marriage. But you're fine if it's only...