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  1. Peony54

    Need Color Printouts

    There is a great photocopy place on Thames, between Santa Fe and Guemes. Sorry, I had one of their business cards with the exact address and name, but can't find it! It's on the left side if you are walking from Santa Fe.
  2. Peony54

    Why Do I Choose Ba

    Sorry I posted this originally in the wrong discussion :o ... If you were considering getting your Masters in the US or Canada, you could go this route in another country as well where the tuition is less... there's always the option to get school loans (though I admit it's scary to put...
  3. Peony54

    Burts's Bees Day Lotion

    I have never seen them here
  4. Peony54

    Some Forum Members Are Campora Activists

    damn it now I want some Dr. Pepper!!
  5. Peony54

    Residency And Property Tax Ishoos!

    Technically a calendar year is from January 1st to December 31st but people often misuse the term so it would be best to confirm with your lawyer.
  6. Peony54

    Can My Husband Get Permanent Residency?

    Yes that's true if you aren't thinking of coming here to live for a while... There are people on this site that will know more specifically how it works so they will be able to clarify about the permanent residency. :)
  7. Peony54

    Can My Husband Get Permanent Residency?

    Hmm, it might be possible that maybe they don't enforce it? Below is a link to a forum where they had said you needed to enter Argentina every two years... but then again maybe its possible that you were given Argentine citizenship since your mother is a citizen...
  8. Peony54

    Can My Husband Get Permanent Residency?

    But the good news is since your mother is a citizen you can get citizenship along with your children and from that your husband can get permanent residency :)
  9. Peony54

    Can My Husband Get Permanent Residency?

    When was the last time you were in Argentina? According to other people's posts here, to maintain your permanent residency you need to step foot in Argentina one day every two years.
  10. Peony54

    What Is Your Favourite Place In Buenos Aires ?

    haha I didn't realize it was a sex shop but if it's there right on the corner that's probably it!
  11. Peony54


  12. Peony54

    What Is Your Favourite Place In Buenos Aires ?

    I love el Paseo de Rosedal, the Italian pasta restaurant Parolaccia, walking around palermo soho on a sunny day :) There used to be a house right on thames after plaza serrano that I dreamt of living in, but they tore it down to put a store or apartment complex there :angry: .
  13. Peony54

    Getting Arg. Pesos Outside Argentina ?

    Outside of Argentina if you are going to the legal places, Triple A or the airports, they will give you the official exchange rate, not the blue. If you are hoping to get pesos before you come to Argentina, you're better off exchanging your local currency here.
  14. Peony54

    Metrogas Inspector - To "encourage" Or Not?

    I think you can request that they call you when they get to your place just to make sure you don't miss them. In our case with Telecentro, we asked this because our doorbell doesn't work so luckily they called us to let us know the guy was outside, and when he came in he said he was waiting for...
  15. Peony54

    K Now Checking Between The Couch Cushions For Spare Dollars

    My boyfriend and I discuss this frequently, we agree one of the problems in Argentina is that people take their money outside of the country and invest elsewhere, so yes while this approach may well have to do with getting Argentines to reinvest their money here, I don't see it working. There...
  16. Peony54

    How Is The Dólar Blue Determined?

    I don't believe the Cronica article, rather it's what led me to question how the dólar blue is determined, but just read another article about the government wanting to lower the dólar blue to 6.5 Isn't there a...
  17. Peony54

    How Is The Dólar Blue Determined?

    I don't believe there's any truth to this article, but would be curious to hear what the economy experts here have to say. I too don't have an in depth knowledge of economy and mostly rely on what the smart folks tell me :wacko:
  18. Peony54

    How Is The Dólar Blue Determined?$650.html Definitely not saying I believe this will happen. Don't know this news source nor do I believe that the government can control the dólar blue- but it led me to wonder, how exactly is the dólar blue determined?
  19. Peony54


    no, its a syrup with antioxidants used to shorten the life of colds, etc :)
  20. Peony54


    With the cold weather this week I've got my first cold/sore throat of the season. At home I usually take Sambucol and find it keeps the length of the cold short. Does anyone know if there is an equivalent here? It's black elderberry extract. Thanks!