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    New Zealand?

    Hybrid Ambassador: you are really not in a position to be making fun of anyone's English, least of all a native speaker's. Serafina: google Flight of the Conchords
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    Maximo For Presidente...candidate?

    Bajo - But things don't always work out like that. Cristina was supposed to be a placeholder for Nestor. And look at her now. Bradly: I think Bajo is saying that not only is it constitutional but there is historical precedent.
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    Another Great Reason To Do Business In Argentina.

    This article is written by monkeys with typewriters. I still have no idea why (or if) Cristina has the authority to fire the CEO of a private company, what Citi has done to deserve this, or what the agreement with NML actually addressed.
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    No More Name Restrictions In The City Of Ba

    Matt84: I understand objecting to Pimp, but Padraic? Esther? Callie? Xiomara? And what exactly is wrong with Sharice and Precious, other than not being traditional white names? Your list is a perfect example of why the government should stay out of the naming business. First, they come for...
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    No More Name Restrictions In The City Of Ba

    Aholm: so we should strictly limit people's freedom to name their kids because of anecdotal evidence that some idiots abuse it? Sounds very paternalistic (pun intended).
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    Terrible Milk - We Do Now Know It For A Fact

    Que mala leche. But seriously, your source is completely unreliable.
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    And It Happens Also In The "land Of The Free"

    Flag and anthem mix-ups are actually pretty common. At the London Olympics, the North Korean women's soccer team was welcomed with the South Korean flag at a game against Colombia. In June 2012, London Cup hockey organizers played South Africa's apartheid-era anthem at a game between SA and...
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    Working In Argentina With Double Nationality

    Hey, I'm not the one who was critical of the Argentinians who got Italian citizenship through family ties. I just found it surprising that you were so harsh on them when you benefitted from a system that's even more random (seeing how it's an actual lottery). Personally, I think anyone who's...
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    Fbi Report - Taking Own Fingerprints?

    Just break a shop window and they'll take your fingerprints for free right away :)
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    Working In Argentina With Double Nationality

    Serafina: I figured as much. And do you think that's more rational than granting citizenship based on great-grandfathers?
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    Working In Argentina With Double Nationality

    Serafina, mind sharing how you obtained a US green card?
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    Belgrano R - So Pretty! - Lunch Spots Or Lunch Buddies?

    Try Plaza Noruega :)
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    Don't Ask Me! I Don't Know! I'm Just The Minister Of Economy

    ilichar: wrong. Poverty can be and in fact is measured objectively by many (if not most) governments and several international institutions. You may not be aware of this, but someone in Kicillof's position should be.
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    Germanwings Crash In Alps

    Thorsten: respondeat superior.
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    Argentine Invasion Of Islands? Britain Increases Force.

    Camberiu: you're right about the colonial context, although Germany didn't have any colonies at the time NATO was founded, nor was it one of the original members. But Britain, France and Portugal were colonial powers, and the other members didn't think it was worthwhile getting embroiled in...
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    Germanwings Crash In Alps

    GS: I take it you have an alternative theory?
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    Argentine Invasion Of Islands? Britain Increases Force.

    Ejcot: No. Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which is the legal basis for collective self-defense, refers to "an armed attack against one or more [Nato members] in Europe or North America" only.
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    Spinach On Fire!

    This happened in East Village. Kind of sounds like E-Spinach.
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    Looking For Job

    English, a degree and 40 pesos should buy you a cup of coffee. The people you talked to sound like idiots. The REAL outlook is what you'd expect in a developing country in South America whose economy is in freefall. Good luck. You will need it.