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  1. N

    Where Argies Think You Are From?

    Germany. Which surprised the hell out of me.
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    The Argentina Solution For Greece

    The only economics lessons Argentina can teach are cautionary tales. That said, a Grexit is a very good idea.
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    Rentista Using Blue Rate

    EDIT for clarity: The official rate is the only relevant rate in your dealings with the government.
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    Macri , Dec 11Th End Of Cepo Foreign Exchange Restrictions

    The official and blue rate would merge at a level that reflects supply and demand. This will be closer to the blue in the beginning, but will drift down if and when net dollar inflows pick up as a result of better economic policies. A dollar flood is unlikely, but more dollars coming in and...
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    Search Engines That Use Low Cost Airlines [Eu]

    You should expect to pay more than $1000 for a flight to Europe. How much were you planning to spend?
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    Getting Visitors To Bring In Foodstuffs

    EMI_CHEF: in your case, US customs rules are more relevant that Argentinian ones. You can import one liter of wine duty free. Anything above that needs to be declared and you have to pay duty (which is very low, but the process could be a hassle). All food must be declared. Most meat...
  7. N

    Xoom Money Stolen, Anyone With Experience? Help!

    This is really weird and I lean towards the inside job explanation. You need the actual passport, not just a photocopy, to pick up money, in addition to the private transaction number that was mentioned above, and a signature (actually more than one, since there are several forms). Xoom...
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    Salary For Embassy Workers

    It is a common misconception that embassies are "foreign soil." They're not. It's just that, under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, local law enforcement can't access diplomatic premises without permission. That's where the "foreign soil" fallacy comes from. But as far as...
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    Salary For Embassy Workers

    There's nothing prestigious about an entry level admin job at an embassy (or anywhere else). That said, they pay very little because they can. Obviously there are people willing to do the work for little money for whatever reason. To Noruega - foreign service nationals (a US term of art for...
  10. N

    Debit Cards From Us Not Accepted By Atm's In Ba?

    Call your bank. They may have blocked your card for security reasons, as they often do when cards are used abroad without previous notice. I agree with the suggestion to use another source of pesos (like xoom) to get a much better rate, especially since you're on a fixed income.
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    Question About Spanish

    Are you kidding me? This is cheating.
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    Alternatives For Paying An Argentine Designer From Canada

    Tell the Argentine that your company will not assist with tax evasion. And mean it.
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    Obama Declares Venezuela A Threat To U.s. National Security

    Camberiu: it's time to take a chill pill. Your anti-U.S. posts are too frequent and too shrill, not to mention unrelated to Buenos Aires or Argentina.
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    I Am A Big Fan Of Argentine Tv Ads...

    Why is this last one supposed to be funny? I understand the words, I just don't get the "humor."
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    Confiteria Ideal??

    "Who the hell goes to a milonga in the middle of the day?" Retirees, tourists, students, freelancers, the idle and the chronically unemployed. Why, who did you think would be there?
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    Hard To Find/expensive Products From The States

    Jantango: you should put your name down for some of that imported tinfoil.
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    Package Stuck At Customs/lost... Help

    "It has been like this for about 2 weeks now" - jajajaja. Come back in 2 months. Or maybe 20.
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    This Would Not Happen In Argentina

    Never mind, not worth engaging.
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    Stuck In Montevideo!

    The bold Jaime struck me as a moocher, and an entitled one at that. Could that explain the "negativity in the early part of the thread?" EDIT: Glasgow - Argentina has a lot of people in genuine need of help. No real need to add gringo hipsters to the mix.
  20. N

    British Professor Recounts His Time In Villa Devoto Prison

    Camberiu: this is not about malice or street smarts. It's about a modicum of critical thinking that allows you to function in society. If you don't have that, welcome to Villa Devoto, I guess.