Search results

  1. nikthaimassage

    Havana, Cuba

    It is on my list for visiting, sounds like a wonderful place. Once the country change then it won't be a cheap destination anymore. German and other Europeans made their second home there ( a much extended family), a heaven on earth some say. thanks for sharing.
  2. nikthaimassage

    A Trip Of A Lifetime...

    I spent 7 months in Lima, along the coastline, quite a lovely place and cool during night. There isn't much to do in city though, food, accommodation, transportation are cheap. Cusco might be a better choice, It is a beautiful city and then from there you can visit Machu Picchu. All the best, Nik
  3. nikthaimassage

    Ba Cultural Life

    I love this event. Such a fantastic night out with friends. nik
  4. nikthaimassage

    Estancia Recommendation

    What are you Specialist? Have you been to the place?
  5. nikthaimassage

    Estancia Recommendation

    Knowledgeable Specialists?
  6. nikthaimassage

    Estancia Recommendation

    Estancia Juan Geronimo The biggest, the oldest and one of the best in South America Good luck, NIk
  7. nikthaimassage

    Where To I Go See A Good Tango Show

    Esquina Homero Manzi The oldest, the best and popular among the local: offers show included food and drink with selections. It is located in Boedo area, right at the Boedo station (purple line) Good luck. nik
  8. nikthaimassage

    Hi, Looking For A Thai Restaurant In Ba, Any Idea. Thanks

    Making curry, best to use coconut powder (called coconut cream on the box). Coconut from the Can or Bottle, contains too much water. Using the coconut cream, allows you to adjusted the liquid the way you please. All the best, Nik
  9. nikthaimassage

    Hi, Looking For A Thai Restaurant In Ba, Any Idea. Thanks

    You should take a Thai cooking class in BKK. The local people can't take a hot spicy Thai food and it is not easy to modify it. nik
  10. nikthaimassage

    Polo Lessons And "dia De Estancia" - Recommendation Needed

    Estancia Juan geronimo is one of the best and the largest estancia. For Polo try this one...
  11. nikthaimassage

    Gardening Get-Together, Over A Beer, Seed Exchange?

    I got a lovely Thai Basil and other Thai Herbs to share if anyone interest. it enjoy a strong light, doesn't have to be a direct one. There are great for all type of cooking especially Thai. Nik
  12. nikthaimassage

    Indian - Thai food

    Simply ask if the chef is Thai or is it run by a Thai person. Vilas's wife is going to open a Thai restaurant within the next few months, and she is a great cook. good luck
  13. nikthaimassage

    Indian - Thai food

    There are two basic Pad Thai dishes, one for an appetite and the other for main dish. The formula is various and it should come out exact every time you make it. The secret is the sauce which contains a little sour, salty, sweet and nutty at the same time. In many cases, they cook the noodle...
  14. nikthaimassage

    Kfc And Wendy's Opened Today

    Keep Kristina for the next term, there won't be any fast food chain.
  15. nikthaimassage

    Lower-Cost Alternatives to BA?

    Was in Ecuador over a year ago, traveling into cities that were supposed to be an Eternal Spring (perfect place for retirement) plus easy access to a medical, Quito and Cuenca are not an ideal for Eternal Spring but COLD and that was in the Summer, what would it be like in the winter. Banos...
  16. nikthaimassage

    Where Can I Find Soy Milk?

    You can do it yourself though, buy soy bean, soaking it overnight, take the shell off, put into the blender to liquify, adding water as you need and boiling it. Also adding any flavor you want. Quite simple with no preservative or any chemical. best of luck.
  17. nikthaimassage

    Renting Car (Automatic)

    Sorry, A.V Liberatador, right next to the 4season hotel.
  18. nikthaimassage

    Renting Car (Automatic)

    I got it for $50 a day from Budget last year. There are also several firms on Cerrito and A.V. Libertad, the last block. good luck,
  19. nikthaimassage

    Need A Thai Restaurant Quick! This place is more of a Chinese. It has nothing to do with Thai Cooking.
  20. nikthaimassage

    Need A Thai Restaurant Quick!

    A restaurant called Thai Su, on Paraguay 406 is ok. It is one of the best Thai in Argenitna, nothing is perfect, but at least is better than any other I had tried. I'm Thai, normally do all the cooking myself. The previous chef was Thai, before left, he taught his partner the Thai cooking...