Search results

  1. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    I'm still looking, so many flats/estudios/lofts on sale! But none I like so far. I'm not looking for a Ikea-furnished place to buy, I know there's no Ikea here but 99,9% of the places I've been seeing are so ugly inside, so many bathrooms and kitchens with these awful light blue or rose walls...
  2. mariano-BCN

    When Will The Peso Hit 10?

    sorry folks, I hope I'm wrong but I don't see any signals the dollar (and the euro for us, europeans!) is going to rise again. I'm afraid Cristina has enough financials resources to keep it down :-(
  3. mariano-BCN

    Who Will Be Elected President In 2015?

    I wish the opposition would come with a serious candidate like Lavagna -a little more charisma would help him- but the opposition sucks, they're incredible bad politicians, fight each other and have no plan A, B or whatever. I'm afraid any K-candidate will win.
  4. mariano-BCN

    What Will Happen To Food Prices On Saturday?

    which products are supposed to rise?
  5. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    yeps, Fred, therefor I contacted a lawyer, a notary -both to check the paperwork- and a "perito arquitecto" to check the status and quality of the flat. But their jobs starts when I choose a flat I'm interested in, not before.
  6. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    investment in property may be indeed not secure but I prefer to buy than to pay so much for too high rents. And indeed too: I don't see a change of economic policy, even with a change of government which is highly not sure, however that would be wise for this country. The only thing that keeps...
  7. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    for those having a flat to sell: information and pics are welcome at mariano(at)
  8. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    indeed, solodueños is a good source. And indeed: I made the decision 'cause coming years I'll be for long periods here. And now I'm payin too much for short terms rents. I've a bank account in the Netherlands and have the time and lots of choice here so no hurry and for sure that I as a buyer...
  9. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    It's always a shot in the dark to invest here but I'll be here coming years for most of the year so I've decided to buy a property. I'm looking for +- a flat starting at 60 m2, one or two sl.rooms, ready to move in, nearby the subte/green areas, sunlight is absolute a must. In Palermo, Almagro...
  10. mariano-BCN

    Room Available 2300 Pesos

    I'm helping my landlord finding another person to share the flat I'm living at. It's located in Villa crespo, next to Corrientes, Subte B, non-smoker, independent, 2300 pesos all inclusive.
  11. mariano-BCN

    Best South American capitals/cities to live/work

    yes, even with the euroblue is Medellin cheaper depending of course of your behavior. Besides, the quality and diversification of fruits and veggies is much better than here. And I don't know why exactly but people are simply much more kind and helpful than here. Antioquia is the province where...
  12. mariano-BCN

    Best South American capitals/cities to live/work

    Medellin is by far the city in Latin America. I was there 4 months 2012/3 and I miss the happiness, the joy of life, the cleanness, the kindness in daily life there. It's wrong to compare but BsArs has the worst service in shops, technology and government I know. Rosario: I was there 3 times...
  13. mariano-BCN

    Some Forum Members Are Campora Activists

    Yes, of course, didn't you know?
  14. mariano-BCN

    Some Forum Members Are Campora Activists

    wow, this sounds like Trotskysts complot-theories! :-))))
  15. mariano-BCN

    What Is Your Favourite Place In Buenos Aires ?

    parque Centenario. It;s no beautiful and the grass is not really green but it'sauthentic with several interesting spaces like a theater, a lake, the market of books and the market during the weekend, lot;s of joggers, choripan, what else can you ask?
  16. mariano-BCN

    31 Years Ago Today The Sheffield Was Destroyed

    in fact Argentina should be thankful to Thatcher that UK won the war, it was the beginning of the end of the military dictatorship
  17. mariano-BCN

    Hurrah Hurrah Koenig William Of Orange, Habemus Maxima !!

    thanks Frenchie, I've been living in Amsterdam for about 30 years now and I'm about to leave in order to live in BsArs again. I do know the coffeeshops and although I'm very liberal I don't smoke weed.
  18. mariano-BCN

    Hurrah Hurrah Koenig William Of Orange, Habemus Maxima !!

    I'm in Amsterdam and sick and tired of this issue
  19. mariano-BCN

    Job Offered: Salary :-(

    yeps, I'll keep working for European media, not only 'cause of the payment in Euros -even if it's not constant- but also 'cause of the freedom and specially I don't want to get into Argentinean work-structures. There, in Argentina, work is organized authoritarian, bureaucratic and inefficiently.
  20. mariano-BCN

    Job Offered: Salary :-(

    I didn't even ask about aguinaldo and other stuff, the wage is far too low. So how much does a professional earn more or less for a full time job there? In pesos, yeps.