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    How to run a survey?

    I'm curious to know how many BAExpats survived COVID without a single jab? On what basis you took that decision? Problem is I don't know how to construct the question in a manner that keeps the privacy of participants (if they wish).
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    Diet: Living on beef and eggs

    Post in thread 'Looking for a job as an English teacher' From health point of view (not form cost saving POV) ,,, Roast beef, eggs, coffee and water. Is this possible/doable tenacity wise? Is this healthy...
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    Trump injured after being shot while speaking at a campaign rally

    Video removed from Youtube
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    Does Milie Approve of Biden?

    I have seen Milie Approve of Trump and alike. But never seen him approve of Biden. Probably little Biden is too much of a communist for Milie's taste. When you're the big wiz hammer everything is a nail.
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    Safest way to get US$2000

    Need US$2 k. How do I deliver the pesos? Cash? Transferencia bancaria? I was scammed once by an arbulito on Florida St. 3 fake US$100 Bills. Was night time. Can you recommend a safe arbolito?
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    Paying in advance the full one year rental contract.

    Would that eliminate the need for "guarantia" or paying a third party "seguro caución"? How does this work? What to watch out for?
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    Notice to vacate premises

    May 2022 I signed a 3 years rent lease contract. Now I am contemplating moving out approx 10 months before maturity. How do I legally and correctly and systematically proceed? - How long should the notice be ,,, 1/2/3 month? - How to recover the landlord deposit? - How to recover the deposit of...
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    Best 0km SUV

    I am in the market for new Argentine wheels. I had 0km EcoSport 2.0 liter before. It was good enough at the time but only 145 hp. Don't like the new EcoSport. Too crammed. The Jeep Compass is 175 hp. Around $25 k range. No Chinese brands in Argentina? There used to be several magazines comparing...
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    I never knew what it meant. Finally my recent understanding is that the Argentine Currency will be the Dollar. $pesos will cease to exist. (Following suit countries like Zimbabwe Ecuador El Salvador Panama Somalia Guam ...). Argei Government will buy all currently circulating $pesos at their...