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  1. F

    Ticketek "Service Fee"

    You can avoid this ridicolous fees by purchasing the tickets in the venue itself. I know it is a drag to actually go to the place twice but I do it as a matter of principle against Ticketek, LivePass and all of those middleman companies.
  2. F

    how people live?

    Actually the impression you received is an accurate one. Most argentineans depend on their families to meet the end of the month and getting off the ground is really hard and expensive if you don´t have some kind of financial support from a relative. Inflationary prices are a constant and the...
  3. F

    Patagonia or bust

    1+ on Nicole Ramirez´s opinion. El Bolson is a nice place but it´s too small and already full of people looking for a job. Bariloche is a big city (in Argentinean measurements) and you have much more posibilities of finding something there. Plus, the whole Nahuel Huapi lake area is just gorgeous...
  4. F

    What's happening to this country?

    The current problem with Argentina has two main culprits: JD.Peron and his party AND the actual Kirchner administration (one that started 9 years ago with the current president´s husband). The explanation of why Peron was such a terrible influence to Argentina is a quite a long one but let´s...
  5. F

    CFK and ÉL

    This si probably the worst administration the argentineans have had since Peron´s second term. And the worst thing is, the population being so ignorant, the Kirchners have installed the notion that all of the economic revamp of the last decade has taken place THANKS to them, when the truth is...