Search results

  1. N

    Who has left or is planning to leave?

    Been here since June 2000. Not going anywhere. Vamos todavía.
  2. N

    Can you hold a driver's license from US, if you live abroad?

    My NY State license worked until it expired. When that happened I could not renew without legal residency. Since I no longer had that, I lost the license. I got an Argentine license without any issues and have been using it to drive (and rent cars) in the US, UK and Europe ever since. I've never...
  3. N

    Posts from baexpats replicated on another forum

    Seems like a really poor way to spend an evening.
  4. N

    If the economy gets real bad will people turn on expats ?

    This is right on, and good advice in good times and bad. I've been here for almost 25 years. From the get-go our approach has been one of respect, integration, kindness, interest in the culture, and knowing the codes. Make friends with Argentines. They have a great sense of humor (they have to)...
  5. N


    Yup. I've been speaking to Argentine friends, who have much more experience in this area than I (who never has to think about getting a visa). They say it began during the pandemic. Still...
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    Sorry to hear about the obstacles. It shouldn't be this hard. My wife's visa expires in two years. We haven't viewed it with any urgency - until now. She's getting a appointment asap.
  7. N


    "Who knows, maybe you get approved just for being creative or funny." I'll dust off some old material. ;-)
  8. N


    I totally would've gone to that meeting! Alas, I'm too late. Thanks for the heads up. I'll put those kinds of events on my radar from now on.
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    Contacting a Congressional Rep is a good idea. Not quite ready to escalate that far just yet. Thanks for the response.
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    Thanks for the response Hombresinnombre. You are correct. Not one iota! Cheers.
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    Greetings. US Citizen / long-time resident here. For our annual US vacation in July, we're trying to bring my wife's nephew. He's an Argentine citizen. His mother began the visa process by providing an itinerary for a purchased ticket and ponying up $150 bucks to the State Dept, only to then be...
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    Reduced flight schedules and current entry / exit requirements

    I only uploaded my policy # (local prepaga). No questions were asked. Since arriving on Sunday I've been called twice: once by the City, once by the Ministry of Health. No issues.
  13. N

    Reduced flight schedules and current entry / exit requirements

    My August 5 Delta flight was cancelled (or made "cargo only"). After 3 hours on hold, a representative succeeded in getting me on the August 7 flight. I wanted to send her flowers.
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    Reduced flight schedules and current entry / exit requirements

    Greetings all. I am permanent resident ticketed on Delta 101 leaving Aug. 5, arriving EZE Aug. 6. I've spoken to the international desk at Delta. They confirm that the flight is happening and that I'm on it. However ANAC says that the only authorized PASSENGER flights are those leaving Atlanta...
  15. N

    Mail Forwarding Services (US to BA)

    Thanks for the responses everyone. As for opening mail, there are indeed some services that do so - Earth Class Mail and PMI, for example. They open and scan what you ask them to. I'm trying to figure out if I really need that level of service. After nine years here in BA, I can't keep asking...
  16. N

    Mail Forwarding Services (US to BA)

    Thanks to for the tips. I'll check into both companies. One can't be too careful when it comes to choosing who's going to open your mail! Richard
  17. N

    Mail Forwarding Services (US to BA)

    Greetings. Does anyone have any experience with any of those mail forwarding services (either digital or snail mail), virtual addresses, virtual offices, and the like? Any recommendations (or warnings!) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Richard