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  1. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    WTF that page... Yea sure... i will give you 16,000 :), keep it the change and just because its you
  2. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    i dont know where you see that rate, it seems that you each morning when you wake up increase a cent..... what news do you watch or wich newspaper you read. The usd blue is going down and you said you get at 6.3 jaja yea sure. i didn't receive your phone... i will need 2000 usd for this weekend...
  3. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    So you sell a dollar for 7 pesos jajajjaja well in the end you are very funny:rolleyes:, you filled the mouth writing about scamming, etc, etc, and that's your offer to me. Well dude thanks by the offer, i apreciate it, really very much.:) But i get dollars all the weekend from my brother...
  4. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    Well dude, definitely i think you smoke herb when posting..... have you enough brain matter to understand i dont need pesos?? or you lose it in your last trip? if i offering a value under of the "blue market" is because im not a cave, that's kind of places just isn't my business, i just offer...
  5. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    "Screw people".... jaja definitively you need to take a dictionary dude. You can accept or not what i propose. I definitively think you have problems with you pocket. May be you need to go to bolivia or peru where will get more money for each dollar. Thanks to god im very well, and im not...
  6. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    Well, and where is that people? i dont find them... oh yea, are people like you no? JA Now you assuming, Argentina very well may be my country, and by the way my pocket has no pains whatever country I choose to lay my head in:) Definitivally you took the wrong pill grandpa... do you read...
  7. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    Well i think i have found somebody who dinner a clown.:D
  8. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    you can be agree or not with the gobernment and with the new exchange rate policy, in this case obviously not agree if your look you own pocket. But you said Ok dude, let me tell you that in econmy that its called dirty float.... and has nothing to do with scamming people.... Well really i...
  9. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    6.8?? tell me where you get that rate? which city?
  10. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    tell me which is the rate indicated for you?? 6 pesos? I don't think so... i think between 5 and 5,5 is a good rate for not entering in a cave.
  11. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    So, you say the government scam the citizen using the banks... i think you should take a dictionary and look for the definition of scam dude ;). And of course that is hardest nowadays find a cueva... tell me where you walk to find a lot of cuevas very fast as you said. If you just get focus...
  12. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    viveza criolla? Ja well one more.... "viveza criolla" ok.... go and tell to the banker you with your "viveza criolla" want to sell me 4,6 for each dollar. And sorry but we don't use "boludeza". Cant believe one enter here to receive that kind of post.
  13. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    So, i assume if you get in the bank with 1 dollar and you get 4.6 for each dollar the bank scam you right??? What are you saying men? im just offering 5 pesos for each dollar, much people get scammed, may be you are lucky guy, and you never been scammed, but there a lot of cuevas who give fake...
  14. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    Right, of course, but i can enter to the bank with any who want to see that im giving real pesos. Some cuevas are not serious and scam foreign people...
  15. P

    How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    Hi dudes Well i have pesos, i work in recoleta, and if anybody need can give 5 pesos for each dollar. Im not a "cueva", im just what we call "ahorrista" here. my ym is haaiah83 regards fede!