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  1. L

    Article- What Lies Behind The Blue Dollar

    AFAIK CCL relates only to bonds, the article talks only about Blue Chip swaps. Alas, although it's a good article, the "facts" weren't checked thoroughly prior to publication.
  2. L

    Article- What Lies Behind The Blue Dollar

    As we're talking about physical objects. There's no magic. If the market needs US$1m of new notes, then the Bond Market is the obvious option. As long as the buyer can justify the origin of the funds either here or abroad there's a billions of ARS/USD denominated bonds in the market. There are...
  3. L

    Article- What Lies Behind The Blue Dollar

    A single ADR on the NYSE contains multiple units of stock. You can browse the ratio's here: Banco Galicia has a ratio of 1:10 meaning 1 ADR contains 10 units of real stock. Using your figures above gives the following: AR$18.30 / ( US$15.46 / 10 ) =...
  4. L

    Cnv Will Limit Access To Dollars Via Market Operations

    My mistake. Re-reading the article I see this this effects only "fondos comunes de inversión" i.e. mutual funds that invest using CEDARs. That means IBM, Microsoft etc can continue to be traded as CEDARs on the existing terms after the 30th April deadline as long as you don't place them inside a...
  5. L

    Cnv Will Limit Access To Dollars Via Market Operations

    Are you sure? The amendment only defines how an Argentine CEDER should be structured and valued. So from April 30th products like BCBA:IBM, BCBA:MSFT, BCBA:XOM will no longer work. Blue chip swaps using BCBA:TS/NYSE:TS will continue to work for the average punter. All that has changed is...
  6. L

    Property Sale/purchase With Payment Outside Argentina

    Thanks for the replies. I've a quick question regarding drawing up the escritura to create suitable audit trail, so there's no problems further down the line when it comes to resale. Assuming there's paperwork for an external transfer of U$100k then the figure on the escritura would be roughly...
  7. L

    Property Sale/purchase With Payment Outside Argentina

    I've trawled through the forum and I'm unable to find a complete answer to the following question: Can payment for a property purchase be made from one foreign account to another - i.e. without the money passing through Argentina? Or would this cause headaches further down the line when it...