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  1. L

    So Germany Won! Where Are We Celebrating?

    Where? Casa Bar? Plaza Serrano? =)
  2. L

    Where Are We Celebrating Germany Tonight? #worldcup

    Where? =)
  3. L

    Girlfriends Wanted (As A Friend Who Is A Girl) :p

    Although I've been here for a few months, I still don't have that much of girlfriends to do girly things with... (as time goes by, you will realise, that argentinian girls do not let you in their friendship circle that easily - they are friends with girls they have been friends with forever)...
  4. L

    Looking For A Personal Trainer

    Hello Hello everyone! I'm looking for a personal trainer.. Can anyone recommend a good one? And How much is a Fair price to pay? Thanks Guys! =)
  5. L

    Out Tonight! Where?

    Hey guys! I got here two ago, I don't really know anyone but I really feel like going out tonight! Anybody know fo any pub/bar where it's safe and ok for a girl to go on her own, have a beer, maybe eat some and listen to good music? Live music would be awesome!