Search results

  1. S

    Obamacare: I Need Advice

    I am a 70 y.o. US citizen, but have not purchased Medicare "B" coverage (MDs) because I spend so much time outside of the US where Medicare affords no coverage. Medicare "A" (hospitals) is free, but affords no out-of US coverage. Bottom line: I need to buy health...
  2. S

    Quick Question - The Golden Age For Expats In Ba

    This is an astute observation. If one simply equates golden age with a time when the foreign currency goes far, then 1975-1976 was a golden age. A whole fresh chicken cost me USD 0.25 in the supermarket, an apple a penny, my bilingual maid also 25 cents/hour, a good steak dinner for less than a...
  3. S

    Quality Bike Store That Won't Rip Me Off?