Search results

  1. W

    Veterinary Practices And Beliefs In Arg

    I was involved in animal rescue back in Europe. Some ferals never get used to domestic life, but what we would was TNR - Trap, Neuter, Release. That was for their own health and decreasing the population as there are too many cats roaming free and suffering. I'd suggest you catch him again and...
  2. W

    Help Urgently Needed: Forum Expat Gone Nuts In My Apartment

    What a telenovela, so much drama! So many peole waiting to find out the outcome... Where is OP? No update but his status shows as recently active? Post has not been deleted either, so no resolution? Drama turning into mystery! Can hear the Psycho movie shower scene tense music in my head!
  3. W

    Housekeeper By Month Nowadays

    I'm thinking it's better (in our case) to hire a housekeeper by month instead of paying hourly. We will do it in blanco and I know the minimum is currently 3220 for 8 hours for those not living in the house. I'm not looking to pay minimum, but something that is fair for doing general housework...
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    Bring it on Buenos Aires!

    Bring it on Buenos Aires!
  5. W

    Let Me Introduce Ourselves...

    Thanks Lucha54, that is very kind of you!
  6. W

    Let Me Introduce Ourselves...

    Hi Ajoknoblauch, We have the time and enjoy walking our dogs, although it might be great for them to walk in a pack. So eventually might send them with dog walkers. We looked for houses in Palermo but found none with big garden. We've always lived in city centre of European capitals so we...
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    Let Me Introduce Ourselves...

    Hi, We have been following the forums for a while now, and we have finally landed in Bs As after almost a year of bureaucratic processes to arrive with a working visa. We are a married couple, one Irish, one Latinamerican, mid 30's, no children, 2 dogs; have been living in Dublin, Ireland for...