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  1. D

    Student Visa For Studying Spanish-Residencia Temporaria?

    Hi, I posted this in the immigration for dummies thread but it seems that that section isn't well-trafficked so I thought I'd post here. I'm trying to find work here (besides teaching English) but no one will even interview me without a DNI, and I think my only chance at getting one is...
  2. D

    Owner Won't Return Deposit On Rental Contract

    When the six month contract (alquiler temporario) on my apartment expired I decided to move out. We spent two days cleaning the apartment and left it cleaner than I found it. There were a few things: I left a bunch of beer and wine bottles in the kitchen and two dirty dishes in the sink, and I...
  3. D

    Getting My Papers

    I've been told that in order to get hired (in the white, not under the table), I need to get "papers." But according to all the research I've done, you can't get temporary residence without your employer sponsoring it (or if you fall under one of the other categories, e.g. student, religious...