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    Any 'closed Doors' Restaurant Recommendations?

    Experiences to share? I recently tried Paladar Buenos Aires. Never again. I have eaten at this closed door restaurant a couple of times in the past and thought it quite good. As I am Jewish and from NYC my curiosity was piqued when I received their email notice that the menu for the weekend...
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    A Serious Thread About Food In Argentina

    For the past 8 years I have lived in Bs As part of the year (4 months per). Previously, I lived in Rio the other months, but have now returned to NYC. In my opinion, the availability of some food products is limited in BA, but this limitation isn't so severe as to constitute a determinant or...
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    General Advice For Currency Exchange

    Spotless Franklins are by far the best bills to bring. The rate differential from one cueva to the next is generally not critical unless you plan on exchanging an amount in excess of several thou, however, there is a cueva (in a travel agency as usual) in a mini-mall on Posadas in the rear of...
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    A Tango Show Which Is Not A Rip-Off?

    Some of the touristic tango shows are better than others. Some are worth the money (skip dinner and opt for show only). Tango Portero on Cerritos near the Colon is a great show with fabulous dancers, some of whom have obviously been trained in ballet as well. Ditto for one of the shows at Centro...
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    A Serious Thread About Food In Argentina

    One can state an unproven proposition and then ask others to explain it causing thereby others to struggle to find intelligent explanations for a dubious proposition. One thing remains indisputably clear. Milanesas are critically important to the socioeconomic well being of Argentina...