Search results

  1. J

    Buying Property: Transfer Funds From/to Foreign Accounts?

    I just went through this process with property in Bariloche and would be happy to talk to you about it if you would like. If so, how would you like to contact? sms?
  2. J

    Volunteer Opportunities for a non-student

    Hello, I have a friend coming to Argentina who would like to spend some quality time doing volunteer work. He is completing a trip around the world in which he is trying to give something back in every area he visits. He is looking for something preferably in one of the following areas...
  3. J

    Climbing Aconcuagua

    HHAHAHAHAHA please tell me you are kidding- or you know something that the rest of the climbing community worldwide doesn't. By the way, there is a REALLY BIG DIFFERENCE in how you feel at 17k feet and at almost 23K feet. Or have you been living above 6000 m for the last month? Oh, and about...