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  1. Chaya

    CUIL vs CUIT ?

    Hi. I have a strange to me, question. I have a CUIL number and a DNI number. The DNI number is the same as the CUIL number except the CUIL has an extra number at the beginning and end of my what is my DNI number. I haven't applied for a CUIT number and none has been issued. The question is...
  2. Chaya

    Solution To High Retail Markups (Extortion )

    I've been reading a discussion bemoaning the high prices at retail in Argentina. I live here and also am surprised at how much a visit to either the cafe or supermercado costs. What I don't understand is that people haven't grasped this is a result of a socialist style economy. An economy that...
  3. Chaya

    Taxation Of Overseas Income For Argentinian Citizens.

    Hi, I'm a citizen of Australia with permanent USA residency who is seriously thinking about a dual citizenship of Argentina. My issue is double taxation. I don't need to worry about triple taxation since Australia doesn't tax you on world wide income nor after you've left the country for 6...
  4. Chaya

    Selling Property - I Need Help With Afip

    Hi, I live in BA and own a couple of properties. In one condo building where I rent out an apartment I bought from the developer 2 extra car spaces as an investment. I'm in the middle of selling one of my spaces but it has become a nightmare. 2 accountants and over a year later I'm in AFIP...
  5. Chaya

    Venezuela As A Comparison Of What Could Be Argentina's Futur

    I was reading an expats Venezuelan forum and I found this. ... The Gov't rate is 6.3:1 and the blk mkt rate is almost 99:1 Good luck! Bolivares are generally considered worthless outside of Vzla as no other country uses them or accepts them as legal tender. And I thought the Government vs...
  6. Chaya

    Introducing Myself As A New Member

    Hi All, I would like to introduce myself to all on this Forum. For some time off and on over the past few years I have been lurking on this site but feel now I should come out from the shadows and participate as a member of this online community. As a touristo who owns property and spends...