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  1. Patricia75


    that post shows a lot of stereotype, it's subjective, not objective. Argentineans borned since last century and till 1970 decade has work culture. Now there is a lot inmigrants fromo all over the places, so, is multicultural country
  2. Patricia75


    all the people with higer education (as in each country of the world)
  3. Patricia75


    It is not pass by argentineans cause these lands is considered ours (it is in geographical terms of territories over seas despite the war result) In relation of what you say, I depends of the level of studies of the person....some people from the United States or some European...
  4. Patricia75

    Who plans to live in Buenos Aires permanently and why?

    unpleasant in what sense jeff
  5. Patricia75

    Who plans to live in Buenos Aires permanently and why?

    What a nice place you live in, it's really beautiful...knowing your family can visit you there!
  6. Patricia75


    mmmm Argentines dont't hate anyone, if it were like that, we wouldnt be a country open to immigration. The argentines only felt hurt because the territory was ours, England insists, the military argentinean at power took very young men to´the war to die (no more than 21 years old) knowing we...
  7. Patricia75


    Two argentineans are not 35 millions, dont cannot build a vision of a country from the dialogue with two or five people
  8. Patricia75


    many argentineans insist on residing here despite their high qualification, migrating or not, also depends on personal issues (not just employment)
  9. Patricia75


    Argentina has changed last years because people came here from all over places, people educated and not educated and they have children here -now argentineans- (it is is a free entry country -is one of the few countries with easy acces, and therefore multicultural now, for employment and health...
  10. Patricia75

    Who plans to live in Buenos Aires permanently and why?

    in your case it's a mixture of affections in both countries. It's very difficult, but I think that's being lived day by day
  11. Patricia75

    Of what nationalities are you? what language you speak and which is the mother tongue

    to get to know each other it would be interesting to know the countries of origin, also to practice other languages besides English.
  12. Patricia75

    Who plans to live in Buenos Aires permanently and why?

    I think it is interesting to know the reasons that are planned to live in Buenos Aires and the expectations.
  13. Patricia75

    Hello, My Name Is Patricia

  14. Patricia75

    Hello, My Name Is Patricia

    First time in here, I live in Buenos Aires. I can speak italian and english. I studied sociology. I'm interested in language exchange, chat about experiences abroad (I traveled for work as a researcher) ... or help on any questions you have about the city an our people