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  1. B

    Buenos Aires vs. Colombia

    Medellin is very nice. Incredible weather, beautiful women. For me it was a great place to visit and live for a few months but I found it to be too small to live in full time. I never had any problems but was more cautious than I am here. I met expats there that love it. The only way to know...
  2. B

    Nice forum - but why do you beat each other up?

    I agree. This board has some negative people. One in particular is constantly on the board posting derogatory comments....he posted to this thread..try and guess who it is!
  3. B

    Is any one else watching Glenn Beck on FOX?

    He may be a little theatrical but spend 20 mins and listen to a can find it on FOX news..Then try to come up with arguments as to why he is wrong...It's tough to do.