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    Introducing myself (better late than never)

    Hello Hernán, I´m originally from Ohio. I have never lived in Boston, but I imagine it´s pretty interesting. I spent a year in Arentina right when the Crisis came in 2000 -2001. Incredibly hard time for Argentines and even difficult for many foreigners here. I imagine you have now adapted...
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    "Leaving America"

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    Pesky little infection..

    Hello everyone. I have found cranberry juice in La Plata at a naturalista shop. It´s about 70 pesos for a bottle but it´s not diluted or anything. If anyone wants the address I´d be glad to give it out. It´s the only place I have found.
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    Buscando nuevas amigas/ Looking for new women friends

    Hello everyone! Wow, seems there are many new people in the city.Im one more. I just arrived here about 2 weeks ago and will be studying here for the next 5 years...and I am really in the need of meeting other people. Im from the US but have been living in South America for a few years now...
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    battered women

    Redgirl, I just arrived in Buenos Aires and don´t even have a place to stay yet, but if I can help you in any way please send me a message and I´ll see what I can do. You´ll get out of this situation brave and strong. We are all with you. Annita
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    Recommend a city

    I would say Córdoba, or Rosario? People might disagree on the latter.
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    From Peru to Argentina ASAP

    AlexfromLA: Hey! Pretty much the same as in Argentina, actually. Peru is a struggling country. They say they are going to ¨get out¨of this horrible economy but I think, honestly, that Argentina is moving faster than Peru. That´s just my personal opinion. Here, if you don´t have a job, the...
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    From Peru to Argentina ASAP

    Thank you CityGirl! You are right, I do not have a work visa but I am trying to get networking started to get there. I do have a few contacts but that doesn't mean options. I can tell you a little about myself: I have a BA in Anthropology, a TEFL Certificate, I'm completely bilingual and I am...
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    From Peru to Argentina ASAP

    Hello All. I am new to the forumn and I have been reading little by little what people have to say about Argentina. Personally, I am a big fan of Argentina and absolutely in love with the country (not a person....the country). I currently live in Peru but I am looking at all possible ways to...
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    Long-termers, how do you deal with being homesick?

    Hello, I see that you have a lot of responses and I totally understand wher eyou are coming from. I am planning to move to Argentina this year within the next few months. I have lived there for a year and been there 9 times to visit. I absolutely love the country...despite many of the problemas...