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  1. N

    Humorous Title -- Members Only Argentine Villa

    The origin of "Villa Miseria" as literally "Miseryville" is 100% the correct explanation. If I'm not mistaken, most -if not all- of the neighbourhoods in Bs As with a "Villa" in their name, such as Villa Crespo, Villa Urquiza and so on, started their life as towns outside of the (then smaller)...
  2. N

    "Leaving America"

    Are you trying to keep me around for even longer? Don't show me bait like the above and I'll stay away, with any luck this thread will die once and for all and I'll celebrate that along with everyone else. I didn't revive anything, this one has legs of its own, I was brought back when reading...
  3. N

    "Leaving America"

    All right, I will do my best to keep it tight because now I am truly bored and over with it. I did not. It all started going beyond the issue way back, and more specifically with Ghost and his "Everything bothers them, there's an inferiority complex issue." Are you for real? Now I know for...
  4. N

    "Leaving America"

    Is that a dig at me? Ouch! Since this is an issue that takes place in the real world among real people in the city and the country, and outside the confines of this particular website, I refer of course to the locals (inverted commas or not) that have an issue with this subject in every real...
  5. N

    "Leaving America"

    ...and I call them "Americans" myself, too, and I don't have a problem with that. (them: USA people). It's the way language evolved and I accept it and use it accordingly without worry. My real problem is with the obtuse, obstinate and stubborn characters (be it from the US, Europe or wherever)...
  6. N

    "Leaving America"

    Shame about the Brazilians who will hate you for calling them Spanish Speaking (check their population numbers), the French Canadians, the Quechuas, the Guaranís...
  7. N

    "Leaving America"

    Plus, Spaniards agree that anyone from any of the Americas (North, Central and South) is American. That's the language, simple. Besides the "America" debate, how happy would you be to have, back in your own country of origin, an illegal alien moaning about your homeland?
  8. N

    "Leaving America"

    Many have pointed out already that the same happens all over Latin America. And about complaining in general about everything, the difference is that locals complaining about their own country is standard fare all around the world. A foreigner complaining and moaning rubs the locals the wrong...
  9. N

    "Leaving America"

    Wouldn't you be bothered if you were in your own country being patronised by a bunch of recently arrived foreigners?
  10. N

    train to Tigre

    Firstly, the Tren de la Costa station with the flea market which you and Austin refer to, is also one BarraNcas, with the N. Barrancas de San Isidro in this case. Do your research before picking up fights, would you? I should have pointed that out yesterday. The only Barracas with no N is the...
  11. N

    train to Tigre

    How much is Austin paying you for your defence services? Bored much? I know I am, that's why I'm still posting, but enough silly business now, this train to Tigre has properly derailed Bye
  12. N

    train to Tigre

    He will (*) have to find me first. It's a shadowy place, the internet. * If it's not a she. Shadowy indeed, ah the fun we're having.
  13. N

    train to Tigre

    You haven't confused them but a lot of people -OP included- might have. You know them but a lot don't. I've seen the Barracas (barrio) & Barrancas (de Belgrano) getting mixed up often enough. Well I thought it was a bit rich to be accused of snootiness by someone who did look like having not...
  14. N

    train to Tigre

    Snooty? I was trying to prevent someone getting lost. You, on the other hand, with your precise directions (see above) aren't a lot of help I'm afraid. People confusing Barrancas with Barracas (there's more than a handful) are in for quite a ride when they can't tell one from the other
  15. N

    train to Tigre

    You people. Can you tell the difference between Barracas and BarraNNNNNNNcas (de Belgrano)? Two very different places, quite a trek from each other. Plaza Sesamo has been brought to you today by the letter N
  16. N

    train to Tigre

    Don't get confused with Belgrano R. The one you need for Tigre is Belgrano C, at Barrancas
  17. N

    Expat Documentary Film

    Sorry dude, but actually I don't care one way or the other. I use "American" to refer to Usa People myself, believe it or not. I'm hooked on this argument, however, because (a) a very simple point seems incomprehensible to a lot of people, normally US people. And (b) it's less harmful than being...
  18. N

    Expat Documentary Film

    Endless arguing on US Foreign policy on the 20th and 21st centuries coming up soon On a screen near you
  19. N

    Expat Documentary Film

    ...and regardless of the use of that particular word -the word "American", for those not keeping up- a lot of USA people are internationally perceived as arrogant anyway, quite generally. You don't want to hear it, I know
  20. N

    Expat Documentary Film

    That is precisely the point, only that the North and South distinction can be seen as superfluous or divisive (depending who you talk to and what school they've been to), and you can say just that Americans are those who are from the continent of America, The Americas. That is what this debate...