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  1. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    It does right? I'm pretty scared frankly. No, the way things are right now everyone is too worried about losing their job to leave for that period of time. I'm going to mostly go it alone and count on the surgeon's assistant to stop by and shove some baby food in my mouth :) I was kidding...
  2. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    It just means changes to both the bones as well as the soft tissue of the face. IOW, a lot more than a nose job. You'll get more from "teh google" with "FFS"
  3. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    I am being turned into an exact copy of Gwen Stefani :P I'm having a large number of cranio-facial procedures collectively known as facial feminizing surgery. It's not 30, closer to 26 but the FFS portion is around 20K.
  4. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    I know that used to be the case, wasn't sure if they still honored that with all the bank turmoil lately. I'm pretty sure that would only apply for purchases though, not cash advances. Unless the doctor had a merch account that wouldn't be possible, and even if they did they'd have to pay Cap1...
  5. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    It's Erica actually :) Now see this is exactly what I hoping not to hear but was afraid I would. 3% sucks to high heaven but it's better than losing it. It was my understanding that if you had with you a paper trail showing the source of the funds through your own accounts in the US they had...
  6. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    I'm really hoping I don't because they seem very usury. I think there are three semi reasonable choices on the table for me now, bank check, traveller checks, and I just checked western union, it was only about $1100 to do the transfer (only sheesh), but I have no idea whether there would be...
  7. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    Okay follow up question. Was just reading in another thread the potential penalties for violating the declaration laws there. Does anyone recall what is actually asked on the form? Do you just have to declare cash? Or if I took Henry's suggestion and carried a bank check, or went the...
  8. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    I could ask but I don't think so if it takes two weeks to clear. I just don't have that kind of flexibility and I'm sure they'd be as suspicious of me bringing them a fake check as people currently seem to be of them. It may be possible to FedEx it to them in advance of my arrival though.
  9. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    Ah, okay this is some useful information. Although you have succeeded in scaring the crap out of me. :( I will certainly consider this option, though the week or two clearing time might be an issue. I'm scheduled in surgery 3 days after arrival. Hiring private police, omg, I'm starting to...
  10. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    Oooh, maybe I should grab a heart or lung whilst there :) Believe it or not one of my biggest fears going into this was that I may end up "disappearing" and then reappearing as a pile of transplant parts. However I've exchanged many emails with previous patients who are happy as can be...
  11. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    Sorry I should have been more explicit. I have been offering to pay someone's way in exchange for that person coming to assist me while I am convalescing. I'm not sure I'll be able to care for myself after 12 hours of surgery. A plane ticket was much cheaper than hiring a private nurse as...
  12. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    Ha, omg, can you imagine how huge and bizarre I'd look with 300 $100 bills stuffed in my bra :) My guess would be that a credit card is going to turn out to be fraught with fees. Any time you use one, even here in the US the merchant has to pay about 3% of the transaction in fees, but in a...
  13. E

    medical tourism and general money handling question

    Hi, I'm new here. I hope no one will bristle at the subject matter I'd like to discuss. I'm traveling to B.A. at the end of this month for surgery and expect to remain for about a month. Unfortunately only after booking the operations have I found out that there are some rather severe...