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    Francisco Time Mag. Person Of The Year..

    I hope so! ¡Felicidades!
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    How much does it cost?

    Sounds like hyperinflation to me. Prices rise and change so fast you can't bother printing them!
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    Buenos Aires or Madrid

    I just got back from Barcelona. It's like Buenos Aires but about 100 times better. Madrid is supposed to be superb. The Euro is crashing so things in Spain should be a lot cheaper and Europe is going down fast, wheras Argentina is digging out of debt and recovering. But I'd still take Spain over...
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    My letter to the New York Times

    That is so horrible. I too cannot stand to live in America and be complicit in such horrors. They should not raise the debt so that these wars created from debt are stopped and the violent U.S. empire is stopped.
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    White House unveils cyber ID proposal

    The White House also promised that the United States would respond to attempted hacking “as we would to any other threat to our country.” I wonder if they will respond to Murdoch that way!
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    Interesting article about Italy in La Repubblica (in English also)

    That was a very interesting article. Thanks for posting.
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    Recommended Translator, Spanish Tutor, Help living in BA

    Hello! If you are in need a Spanish Tutor, Translator, Babysitter, Help figuring out ANYTHING about living in BsAs, I highly recommend Laura Vasquez. She has been instrumental in helping me and my family adjust here in BsAs. [email protected]. Cell phone number: 15-386-590-38 Phone...
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    Gas shortages?

    I'm so glad I sold my car!
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    Best Cafes for Working

    Oy, my god! You are in Buenos Aires and do computer work at a Starbucks or McDonalds coffee shop? You have to be kidding! There are zillions of coffee shops, historic and famous bursting around here! As a writer, I made it my passion to go and see just about every single historic cafe in Buenos...
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    electrics and apartments

    hi, my son's X-Box was zapped and destroyed when he tried to plug it in. we found good rentals at, if you don't want to pay the outrageous deposits. also, we used Home in Argentina. Daniela is very nice and helpful and we got a great place with low deposit.
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    Just a reassurance for Visa Runners to Colonia

    I just got back from Colonia two days ago. What a pleasant experience! Argentina wants foreign investment, period. They could care less and only appear to crack down for various reasons. I have a friend who has been here four years going over the borders and back. Remember, fear is the big...
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    Expat Documentary Film

    Hi. I came here to escape the coming economic collapse in The U.S. There will be a big severe meltdown in the coming year there, as the dollar's devalution and debt continue, and I don't want to be there when it happens. People will freak out in the US, starve, get depressed over not being able...
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    The end of Obama's socialism

    I think this guy is a Koch Brothers Tea Party paid-for plant. What a moron! Like we believe any of your worthless words! Get a life! I wouldn't read or respond to any more of his posts. The real person to worry about is Bernanke, Benny just fired up his ink jets today. Dollar tanking faster than...
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    supermarket lines

    I escaped the US to get away from dreadful supermarkets. I enjoy the relationship I have with the men and women at the local verdureria of fiambreria, etc. If I HAVE to go into the local Disco, i make sure it's not in the evening, when lines are longest. And yes, I think it's because of those...
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    Expat Ladies Lunch/Brunch-Saturday 9/11 @2PM

    I'd love to come. Please confirm day and time!
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    Recommend a good dentist?

    Hi, Looking for a good dentist to do cleaning, general dentisty. In Recoleta, Palermo area. Thanks!
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    Expat Families with Children

    Hello, I am arriving in Buenos Aires next week with my 12 1/2-year-old son and 10-year old daughter. I'm hoping to meet other families with children of similar ages in the area. We will be in Recoleta/Palermo area. I am planning on homeschooling/using an online public school curriculum from the...