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  1. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    Thank you @London2Baires im hoping this will be the answer, now i just need to know how much exactly must be in the account to ensure that it passes.
  2. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    also id prefer not paying hefty amounts to lawyers.
  3. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    Thank you Steve, I have now contacted a few consulates and awaiting some answers...hopefully.... I can have the trust make payment for 2 months before we apply aswell that shouldnt be a problem as i can always deposit more into the trust if need be. lets see what they say and if i will be able...
  4. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    i sent you a conversation private message as well
  5. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    so not 30000 peso per person in the family?
  6. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    ok im going to try and research this a bit more because it that is the case it seems like ill be living like a king for that amount.... thanks for the advise always appreciated. You have said in another post of mine that i must look into a irrevocable trust and that is now our plan
  7. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    Ok i just dont understand then cause i have spoken to someone at argentina consulate here in South-Africa and they have now told me that it would be ARS90000 which means i would need 30000 peso per person per month..... ?
  8. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    Thank you Steve, just want to clarify something is the ARS$ 30000 per person? for instance myself , my husband and my 2 year old each?
  9. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    Are you doing the process from there obviously? how long have you been there now and how old are your kids if i may ask.
  10. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    Yes and thats exactly the place we had in mind as well. Please let me know what they say, we have now decided on a irrevocable trust to put all our savings in and then instruct to get the fixed monthly payment from that. Am i right in saying it is AR$30 000? Thats like R7800 per month....
  11. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    No im still in Cape Town, South Africa getting all my documents ready before we head over there. Was just wondering if someone maybe knew of a way for me to do this or who has maybe gone through it themselves.
  12. StephOlive

    Proof of source of funds - Rentista visa

    Hi There, i know i have asked a similar question on the forum just need a bit more info regarding this, on a previous thread Steve talked about a irrevocable trust and this seems to be the best way for us to prove our income on a monthly basis..... Regarding the rentista visa, we have a...
  13. StephOlive

    Immigration / Rentista Visa

    Could you explain the trust to me a bit more? i am reading up on it at the moment but want to make sure i understand it correctly in how it would hopefully benefit my situation.
  14. StephOlive

    Immigration / Rentista Visa

    Thank you Steve this really helps a lot.I will speak to my lawyer and see what we can work out for a trust fund rather. It seems the better and quicker option to have funds readily available. Appreciate your advise.
  15. StephOlive

    Immigration / Rentista Visa

    I then also wanted to know if i have a lump sum of savings cant i show that as proof of funds? That alone will last us just over a year?
  16. StephOlive

    Immigration / Rentista Visa

    Hi Pierre, thank you for your reply. the thing about our online business is that we don't work on it ourselves we are just the owners, others than that it practically runs itself. I will definitely look into LLC and see what i can do about it. I will also speak to my bookkeeper and see what we...
  17. StephOlive

    Applying For A Rentista Visa

    Hi Bajo_cero2, Please can you advise if proof of income from a business that we own would suffice to the requirements of proof of income for the rentista visa? also i have another question that you answered here a few years ago, can one just overstay your tourist visa and then apply directly for...
  18. StephOlive

    Immigration / Rentista Visa

    As for Paraguay, i have looked at it as well, but we prefer Argentina. I know the economy isnt doing that great at the moment but am i wrong in saying that our income from outside Argentina will make us be able to live a decent life there? Seeing that the Rand is stronger that the Peso? Please...
  19. StephOlive

    Immigration / Rentista Visa

    Hi there everyone, thank you for your feedback. The business "online" was opened a few years back on a sole prop account as we first wanted to see if it was going to do well, and it has, we have just never changed it to an official registered business, but we can though. We want to open an...
  20. StephOlive

    Immigration / Rentista Visa

    Hi there everyone. I would like to know if someone can help me with a few questions i have. We are looking at coming to Argentina (myself, my husband and our Toddler son) from Cape Town as you all know safety issues are only getting worse in South-Africa. What id like to know when applying for...