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  1. E

    Finally moving in Feb - Pilar BA - Advice on Pilar?

    Thank you for this advice! I've just heard that commuting from town into Pilar would be a hassle, and class is from 9am until 5pm, Monday-Friday. I would hate to be stuck on a bus for an hour getting there and leaving. I am staying in a gated community in Pilar. Perhaps as the year progresses in...
  2. E

    Finally moving in Feb - Pilar BA - Advice on Pilar?

    I wrote a couple of months back looking for apartment advice as well as some money exchanging advice. Now that I have done all my research (however I still don't know where in Pilar I can exchange US dollars, advice there?) I was wondering if anyone could give me some background on life in...
  3. E

    Apartment Hunt - Advice needed

    Makes sense! Thanks for the feedback!
  4. E

    Apartment Hunt - Advice needed

    Thanks for the reply! You make some great points. So instead of converting to the official rate, I would convert US dollars to the blue dolar rate. How could I pay in dollars using the blue dollar rate and actually save money in dollars? For example, my apartment would be $14,500 pesos a month...
  5. E

    Apartment Hunt - Advice needed

    Great point!
  6. E

    Apartment Hunt - Advice needed

    Thank you, Camel for your reply! That's a great point and something I did not consider. Perhaps just offering the option of paying in US Dollars would be sufficient for a discount.
  7. E

    Apartment Hunt - Advice needed

    Hi there - I will be moving to Argentina in February for a grad program and am currently discussing apartment options with a gated community in walking distance to campus. I want to make sure I know what to expect before talking to the property manager over the phone. I will most likely only...