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  1. W

    Alberto Fernández does not lie

    A crap economy with all sorts of economic imbalances and distortions due to 15 years of K policy. He made it even worse and now handed it off to AF. Macri borrowed USD and lit it on fire while trying to defend the peso. Late 2017 Marcos Peña pushed to ease the inflation target and cut rates...
  2. W

    Alberto Fernández does not lie

    I'm no fan of the Ks, and Macri was a disaster as well, but exactly what is AF suppose to do? The economy was a wreck when he took it over, now obviously worse with coronavirus. This economy is headed for a major blow up no matter what AF does. The social plans that people love to complain...
  3. W

    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    While you virtue signal about caring about starving Hondurans and Sudanese...
  4. W

    Anybody else thinking the cure is worse than the disease?

    Amen!! In February, I wrote this in response to Ries who was comparing potential covid deaths to car accident deaths - Many understand this now, but some continue to use car accidents deaths as a comparison tool. Statistically it makes no sense to do so. The questions of is the cure worse...
  5. W

    Anybody else thinking the cure is worse than the disease?

    Clearly not all the cases are being recorded due to limited testing, but is the death count being underreported as well?
  6. W

    Anybody else thinking the cure is worse than the disease?

    This is a good article on that topic called the Paradox of Preparation -
  7. W

    Wife really wants to go back to Argentina with kid

    There are some great hospitals with cutting edge technology and top notch doctors, but overall the healthcare system in the US is a joke.
  8. W

    200 Cuban Doctors arriving to Help with Corona Virus Crisis

    That is true about unions, but is the temporary presence of 200 foreign doctors going to affect the wages of Argentine doctors? It's hard to imagine that would be the case. I'd assume the Cuban doctors will get sent to underserved areas of Argentina with little financial resources like Santiago...
  9. W

    BA Real Estate market to take a dive before the end of the year.

    How many of the under construction buildings that sold "en pozo" are going to go bankrupt? Ries it sounds like you have a lot of experience in real estate here. If prices came down a lot of in 2002/3, why don't you foresee the same thing happening again if the economy goes through another deep...
  10. W

    Oil Drops 30% Overnight! Is Vaca Muerta Dead?

    Jblaze - I remember you saying you lived down south somewhere? Do you work in the oil industry? How do you view all of this?
  11. W

    Alberto Fernández does not lie

    Obviously you disagree, but I think he has some valid points. I want politicians to succeed as well including AF, because that results in a better society. I'm happy for you that you are so enamored with him. However, when one is a fan of a politician, the fan usually is quick to defend...
  12. W

    Alberto Fernández does not lie

    Most would agree that he has done a good job handling the covid crisis so far. I think it's prudent to wait and see how his leadership plays out over the next 4 years, not the first 4 months. As semigoodlookin said it's not healthy to be fans of politicians. Once you're a fan of a politician...
  13. W

    Blue Rate has now hit 100 per dollar

    As long as there is no viable alternative, I don't see the USD following in the footsteps of the ARS or the Bolivar. T-bills are still referred to as RF for a reason.
  14. W

    Police Brutality in the quarantine Video attached

    Thanks for explaining Bajo, I did not know that. Regarding the Coronavirus guy, I agree he was probably an idiot and breaking the law. Did he deserve to get his face bashed in for it though? They should have just arrested him.
  15. W

    Blue Rate has now hit 100 per dollar

    MAGA hats, confederate flags and anti-vax signs, while carrying guns to protest a temporary quarantine. Sounds logical. Aren't you the same guy claiming months back the coronavirus was all hype?
  16. W

    Blue Rate has now hit 100 per dollar

    Tired of incompetent politicians, yet they are holding up a Trump 2020 sign...
  17. W

    Police Brutality in the quarantine Video attached

    Not justifying it. If you read carefully I explicitly wrote "Not defending the police action". Simply providing context. He was shot after attempted murder, not petty thievery. Does that justify it, no. The video you posted is another one, not the Chocobar case. I'm not familiar with this...
  18. W

    Blue Rate has now hit 100 per dollar

    Bunch of MAGA idiots
  19. W

    Blue Rate has now hit 100 per dollar

    That would mean that people would have to shift their store of value and medium of exchange to other currencies. I don't foresee people bartering loaves of bread for oysters, outside of Ries's town in Washington State. If people lose confidence in the dollar which currencies are a viable...
  20. W

    Blue Rate has now hit 100 per dollar

    How do you see the economic situation here playing out over the next 12-18 months?