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  1. R

    Coffee Chat on TUESDAY, March 11: VELVET Café/Resto in Palermo

    Sadly, now I won't be there.
  2. R

    Making friends while visiting

    Attend our Tuesday meeting at 4:30 at Velvet in Palermo. You need to say you are coming at the post made Tuesday morning on this website. There are also many other expat groups as well as groups with Argentines that know me for those ideas.
  3. R

    Staying Past three months

    Or do a 3 month extension
  4. R

    How many 8oz packages of cheese can i bring in my luggage (EZE)?

    Any food stuffs, must be sealed in original packaging if allowed.
  5. R

    Which bank has lowest fees for incoming USD transfers?

    Yes, their owner is the same... PayPal once held my money for 6 months...
  6. R

    Which bank has lowest fees for incoming USD transfers?

    My attorney, Gabriel Celano has had me deposit using a transfer company since this requirement began in June of 2023. I never have used a wire transfer. I have twice been approved by immigration using this method only. I am in my third temporary residency. Contact me by pm if you prefer and we...
  7. R

    Which bank has lowest fees for incoming USD transfers?

    Xoom is good but you need to look at both the fee and the exchange rate given of course
  8. R

    Which bank has lowest fees for incoming USD transfers?

    You don't wire you send using Western Union from your US bank through Western Union to your Argentina is totally allowed to do that for immigration. The bank charges zero to receive a Western Union.
  9. R

    Any leads on BA restaurants with spicy food?

    The brand Badia has what you need and it can be purchased in Mercado libre...even their crushed red pepper is USA style...they have ghost pepper sauce and habanero as well. I have all of them.
  10. R

    Coffee Chat on TUESDAY, Feb 11: VELVET Café/Resto in Palermo

    Unfortunately, I won't be there this time.
  11. R

    How to deposit Social Security into an Argentine bank

    I agree with that!
  12. R

    How to deposit Social Security into an Argentine bank

    It's up to the particular bank to accept a foreign check deposit or not...expect the fees to be high if they do it and expect it to take a long time to get the credit. It's way better, faster and cheaper to just deposit it by your phone into your US bank account then transfer it here
  13. R

    How to deposit Social Security into an Argentine bank

    Only into Macro Bank...use the SSA-1199 form to enroll in International Direct Deposit (IDD). Go online to get it.
  14. R

    After 50 days Precaria Still Stuck? – Supervisor Not Signing??

    My attorney has gotten my precaria issued at immigration when I was there...the same day! Three times in a row. I had my approval the first time in under 2 weeks...the 2nd time in 4.5 months and this time in 2.5 months... that's approval time! He is expensive but I don't care...he gets it done.