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  1. C

    Meeting the rentista passive income requirement using a peso bank account?

    @Alby Oh goodness. It appears I was really mixed up on the tax implications. Thank you for setting me straight. It appears that applying for citizenship with the help of an attorney may be my best option. I wish there was someone here that has been through the process from beginning to end. All...
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    Meeting the rentista passive income requirement using a peso bank account?

    @steveinbsas thank you for all the information. Ideally, I just want permanent residency (the ability to live here legally, travel to other countries occasionally, and know I won't be denied reentry). I am willing to stay here for several years if it means evenually I will obtain permanent...
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    Meeting the rentista passive income requirement using a peso bank account?

    Neoperm, thank you for the recommendation. I’m going to get in touch with someone at UBA. HectorH, Neoperm’s recommendation of UBA was great. The classes are much cheaper than what I had found. Also his recommendation to apply for citizenship seems in line with other posts I have read here. Can...
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    Meeting the rentista passive income requirement using a peso bank account?

    Hi TruchoTango, Would you mind sharing some of the easier, cheaper alternatives? I am considering taking two years of Spanish classes under a student visa. Even that seems to be a little expensive. I’d welcome any advice you have. Thank you
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    Meeting the rentista passive income requirement using a peso bank account?

    Hi friends, I am applying for rentista temporary residency. I had $40,000 USD in a US savings account to meet the passive income requirement. I just found out the requirement for passive income is now 500,000 pesos per month. To meet this new requirement I would need more than $500,000 USD in...