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  1. D

    Can someone walk me through this step of the DNI process?

    They generally want to see hard copies with apostilles. DHL is expensive but it'll get here without trouble.
  2. D

    Need suggestions - Credit Card in Argentina for citizen

    I've got cards from BBVA and I've always had pretty decent customer service from them. The only issue I have with them is that they don't show pending transactions, just those that have cleared.
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    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    It's not really so bad. I just documented everything thoroughly in a way that you should be able to just walk in and do the procedure with zero problems and zero restrictions. It's all about preparation.
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    Need help with digital nomad visa entry status

    I'd go down to Migraciones and talk to someone there. Worst case, they say you have to leave and come back in to use the nomad visa.
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    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    Definitely doable at the sede. I found the ACA membership to be helpful for getting it done quickly though. (I walked in on a Thursday to schedule an appointment for Monday morning FWIW)
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    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    As I said up front, your mileage may vary. The ACA branch was definitely friendlier than the what I've heard about the sedes though.
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    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    So, I've jumped through the hoops to get my license in Capital, and I have a pretty simple step-by-step for how to make it happen with a minimum of hassle. This is written from a US perspective, so your mileage may vary if you're starting from another country. Step 1: Gather your documents. If...
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    Using Argentine card abroad

    With my Banco Francés account, I don't have to pay the 30% as long as I have dollars in my dollar account to pay the USD charges on my card. I know that doesn't apply to everyone, but at least for some of us it's a help.
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    Permanent Residency: One down, One to go...

    1 - If your passport has Spanish, no. Otherwise, yes. (US passports are in English, French and Spanish, so I didn’t need a translation) 2 - No income requirements. Your spouse has a right to residency by virtue of being Brazilian, you get to derive your residency through your spouse. 3 - This...
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    Ordering stuff from abroad

    FWIW, I just had a package arrive today from Amazon, so things really are getting better.
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    Stuck at the supervision stage, any ideas?

    Proceso en supervisión just means that it's in the process of being processed. It's not even delayed yet, just plain normal procedural bureaucratic processing. Breathe, set a 48 hour timer to fill in the contact form, don't worry about going down to the office unless it starts getting close to...
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    Permanent Residency: One down, One to go...

    Nope. They'll want to see evidence of life together, a relationship, etc... Someone from Migraciones would do the interview, and they've been more motivated to say no these days than yes. Make their life easier, follow the rules. Also, marriage just for the residency is a _bad_ idea. The...
  13. D

    Stuck at the supervision stage, any ideas?

    The supervision stage is just the "we're still processing the paperwork" bit. Go on their website, use the contact form and they'll usually respond within a day or so. When I needed to do this, they sent a PDF of my precaria after a couple of days. That said, you should be able to download it...
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    Permanent Residency: One down, One to go...

    Definitely glad I could help. A minor other note is that if you have your Italian driver’s license, Argentina will let you transfer it in with no testing required, thanks to an agreement between Argentina and Italy.
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    Permanent Residency: One down, One to go...

    To answer your questions in order.. 1 - No lawyer needed, just decent written Spanish to send inquiries about both of your cases every 48 hours, once you get past the 30 day mark. FWIW, when we did ours, I was literally the only person in the extra-Mercosur line who wasn't Russian and who didn't...
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    Where to get fingerprints done for background check (Canada)

    Go to el Registro Nacional de Reincidencia and have them done. You’ll need to make an appointment online, but it was free when I had my US ones done in ink, back in November
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    Housekeeper pay

    Ours is a friend of ours from church who is a student, so we pay what we think is reasonable. She makes a decent rate to help pay for school, we get incredibly valuable help around the house, and everyone is happy.
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    Do Birth and Marriage Certificates Expire for PR Applications?

    When I did my PR, I wasn't ever asked for my birth certificate. Marriage, yes, but only because I applied through marriage. I can't speak to the apostille part though, because our certificado de matrimonio was from CABA.
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    Got married! Now how to get citizenship?

    For what it's worth, I got my PR in 78 days from in-person turno to conclusion after marriage. However, I'm pretty sure 90% of that is because a: I wrote letters through the contact form every 48 hours, after my wife got her PR and b: I applied for PR at the same time as my wife, since she's...