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  1. B

    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Hahha even the Fridge! Tomorrow I'm gonna buy my wife some flowers!
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    Controlling a USA tablet from Arg for banking etc

    One thing you can do, its on the expensive side - but if you are serious - sign up for an Microsoft Azure account - or some similar provider - and create a virtual machine. This is a computer that lives in a cloud, but of course it really lives in a data center. One of the steps is selecting the...
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    Phone advice?

    Anyone have advice on how to get a sim card for a phone? Should I get one in the airport? Can I get one without an EID number? What's the best carrier?
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Thanks. This is good info for people in general. For myself, I don't go to bars, nightclubs, or dating apps :)
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Thanks. I will give this a watch.
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Awesome. I'm shave head so I'm all set :)
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Thanks for all the replies! You guys are great! This has been very helpful, and I think other newcomers will also find it helpful.
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Yea, I felt like what he was saying sounded wrong. He speaks Spanish, I don't. I think he was going off what he hears on Twitter/X. Thanks for the feedback!
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Thanks @Ries that's good news. That answers another question on my mind, what is my wife going to eat? I'm super excited about Argentine food but my wife will starve if she doesn't get rice and spicy food :)
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Thanks @Rich One that is my plan.
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    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    I'm moving to BA with my wife and 2 year old daughter. I am not worried about phone-snatchers and pick-pockets. More worried about violence, kidnapping, home invasion, and extortion. And specifically worried about being targeted because my wife is Asian and I am American. I imagine we will stick...
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    What's the best neighborhood for families?

    Thanks to everyone for the advice! I am researching all the areas you suggested.
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    What's the best neighborhood for families?

    Hi Sergio, I would prefer to be in a city area where we can walk to shop, restaurants, because we won't have a car. At least not a first. Being around some expats - or rather English speakers - would be good.
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    What's the best neighborhood for families?

    Thanks Sergio! What do you think about Belgrano, Nunez or Palermo? Our daughter is 2 years old. Just hoping to find an area where there are families. A house big house with a garden is probably more than we can afford.
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    What's the best neighborhood for families?

    Any advice for a family with a baby moving to Buenos Aires? What neighborhoods are good for families? Any advice is welcome. Anyone with a family have a advice?