Search results

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    Huge house for rent in Belgrano R w/backyard,trees,swimming pool

    Seems EXTREEMLEY expensive. I rented a huge 3 story house with 5 en suite bedrooms, 2 car garage, pool quincho etc.. in Accasusso which is a much nicer area than Belgrano for less than half your friends asking price.
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    Should Maradonna be sacked - or even walk!

    SACKED? How bout a public execution! Maybe an old fashioned stoning!
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    Barrack, Cristina, what's the difference?

    I think Cristina has much bigger balls than Barak. She openly steals everything that isn't nailed down and has the nerve and presence to lie and say whatever ridiculous thing to the public with incredulity. I think the biggest difference is Barak almost believes his own BS.
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    Hola, I'm 3 weeks old!

    Wow! You type really well for a three week old...
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    2 office chairs + comfortable, reclining, fold-up chair - $200 (palermo)

    I could definatelty use all three chairs. How do we set up the exchange?
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    Where can I find a Ferret

    I thought that what Ferreterias were for.......
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    Where can i find online SpyWare and Virus Protection... FREE?

    Ryan, what platform are you running on? (ie: operating system such as Windows, Linux or Mac OS) If you're running windows you might want to try this link: Best of luck, Jay
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    Anyone From East Coast!

    Does Florida count?
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    Expats not happy, why stay?

    Did someone say cheerios?
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    such a big city can be lonely!

    Robin, Hey I hear you. I've been here for over three years and it can be pretty rough sometimes. Additionally, I really miss speaking with native english speakers and miss nuances in how we express ourselves. I made a concious decision when I moved here to to emerse myself with natives in order...
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    Life in USA vs. Argentina

    Italia311, to say that American curture is "boring and dull" and follow it up with "it's a fact" is simply an ignorant and offensive statement. I also find this statement hugely hilarious comming from a person raised in Canada. Every country is diverse in it's culture and people. All Americans...
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    Carlos Bartletta in Olivos. He accepts Osde and i believe Medicus. I've known him for ten years and he is a great doctor and person.
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    Life in USA vs. Argentina

    I've lived in Argentina on and off for over eight years and full time for over three. I have to say there is absolutely nothing this country has to offer over and above the United States or any other country for that matter. I have made friends and make the best of my life and have things here...
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    Someone out for a drink?

    Isabela, I'm always happy to go out for a drink. Let me know if you're not busy this weekend. Jay
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    Jay Chavez Band LIVE Tonight!

    Jay Chavez Band will be performing songs from previous albums as well as new material from their forthcomming album. This is a must see for fans of the band and newcommers alike. This show is FREE, thats right gratis, nada etc... How often do you get the chance to see an American band in...
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    what can a single gal to do over Christmas?

    Sydgirl, I too am alone for Christmas. I'm thinking about having a party for expats and my orphan friends here on the 24th. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
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    Anyone for Tennis ?

    Actually there is alot of tennis going on in BA. I live in San Isidro and am always interested in playing.
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    Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers 29th July

    What is this gathering? I met an expat at a party a couple of weeks ago who mentioned somthing about the Hash House Harriers. I'm good with the cutlery, plate and drinking head but not so much the running? I live about 4 or 5 blocks from there so if anyone needs help with directions or has...
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    New to BA, looking to hang out

    I'm going to have to try that club line trick. Thanks for the heads up. In the mean time, I'm always up for going out and meeting new people. I've been living here for two years full time and hanging out here for more than eight.
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    It is snowing!

    This is incredible! I've taken a ton of photos.