Search results

  1. N

    Will pizza oust steak as Argentina's favourite dish?

    pizza in argentina is bad; i cant believe they consider it to be good. "it's italian" some people say. they have never been in Italy, for sure. and i agree, pizza will never take over beef, ever... (i dont eat beef, but i bet beef is better)
  2. N

    Join me to watch the World Series tonight?

    Sugar, i might ask em if they are gonna show the game.
  3. N

    You're Invited - Halloween Party!!

    where? i live in almagro, maybe i could crash.
  4. N

    Flying home for Christmas

    :confused:where did you find that? that's pretty cheap :(
  5. N

    New girl

    :) we'll visit it for sure.
  6. N

    Virtual Secretary in Bs As?

    yes, my coworker is at some ngo.
  7. N

    Buenos Aires or Madrid

    I think they both have their awesome and their shitty things. I lived for 3 months when i was 16 in Madrid and it was awesome... ten years later im leaving in BsAs and it has been awesome too. if you just speak english Spain might not be your place but you can travel for less money around...
  8. N

    Cost of living

    tú is not a prob at all, sometimes argentines try to speak in tú when they notice you dont speak in "vos", it's the same thou.
  9. N

    Work Visa with Expired Tourist visa

    it doesnt matter but you have to pay a fee.
  10. N

    Moving from Costa Rica to BA should I do it?

    nice!! so let's keep in touch :)
  11. N

    Moving from Costa Rica to BA should I do it?

    @julicar12, maeeeee.... mándeme un praivet y hacemos la jugada y le hago de guía turístico y la vara (sos mae o chick?)
  12. N

    Libraries and Wi-Fi in BA

    hmmm there's about 26 parks with free wifi. i wouldnt use it with my computer, but they have it. It's pretty easy, you just log in and you're in the wire. Here's the parks: Houssay (Córdoba y Uriburu); Dorrego (Humberto 1° y Defensa); Cortázar (Honduras y Serrano) con posibilidad de que...
  13. N

    Need anything from the US?

    body splash and reeses >.< pleasecito!!
  14. N

    Pissing off the wrong person in BS AS

    :eek: quite familiar. :(
  15. N

    Lesbian looking for other lesbians dating argentines to compare notes.

    im sorry to hear that but :( that's violence too, and you shouldnt accept it. between 20 and 36% of the women in Argentina had been part of home violence. just in capital federal, between 2009 and 2011 more than 10.700 women called the authorities for violence acts against em.
  16. N

    Bus to Ezeiza?

    but not all number 8 get you there, they have a red sing "aeropuerto", but it could be a pain in the ass. it takes like 1h45m. If it's less than 4 ppl (45 pesos each) Tienda del León is the better choice, especially if you live in Retiro. If it's 4 ppl it's better to take a remis (160 pesos)
  17. N

    Moving from Costa Rica to BA should I do it?

    im tica!! :D :D jaja. 11k pesos it's a lot. you'll find bsas super cheap compared to sjo. i mean when i moved here i was "i want everything i see... it's a cheeeaaaapppp madness" jajaja. i hope you have good time. contact me if you need something :)
  18. N

    Just saying "Hola" and a little more

    no mercosur procedures for the very first time! :P it's easy... wait another year for a nightmare.
  19. N

    Racism in BA, am I alone?

    yeah, that's the thing you're local. that's different. for example, something really bothers me it is people saying "oh, caribeña" when i mention when im coming from. Christ in the cross! no, im not caribeña, im not coming from an island in the caribean. I know it's not related with racism but...