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  1. E

    It's started......

    Ok. I stand corrected and enlightened regarding the type of restrictions on private purchase of US$ from the AR govt. I tried using your link in google translator to digest the exact conditions on such purchases, but the text of that link came out pretty convoluted - not sure how much was lost...
  2. E

    It's started......

    Ok. I stand corrected and enlightened regarding the type of restrictions on private purchase of US$ from the AR govt. I tried using your link in google translator to digest the exact conditions on such purchases, but the text of that link came out pretty convoluted - not sure how much was lost...
  3. E

    It's started......

    Ok. I stand corrected and enlightened regarding the type of restrictions on private purchase of US$ from the AR govt. I tried using your link in google translator to digest the exact conditions on such purchases, but the text of that link came out pretty convoluted - not sure how much was lost...
  4. E

    It's started......

    Not sure what you intend to convey. Supply and demand sets the black market rate. There can be no dispute about that. The government is selling limited quantities of dollars to those who satisfy certain conditions. If an Argentine resident is reluctant to buy the legal limit of dollars from the...
  5. E

    It's started......

    Are you drunk or just obstinate? Davonz was not accusing the NZ govt of fraud. Why are you raising that issue as if he did? All he (and I) are saying is that the real value of of a thing, including NZ dollars, is set by a free and open market - a proposition with which you also now seem to be in...
  6. E

    It's started......

    What you call risk premium and manufactured panic is nothing more than good old supply and demand. The black market for foreign currency will continue to grow and eventually, as in the past, the authorities will abandon any effort to control it. It will continue to exist until the AR government...
  7. E

    It's started......

    What I get on the open market for a dollar is the real value of the dollar, not the artificial price set by the AR government. The real price of the dollar has gone up about 20% (from 4.2 to 4.99 pesos) in about 10 days. The only people who would sell a dollar for 4.24 are those who are...
  8. E

    It's started......

    I have lived through the 1975-76 hyperinflation, the shock of the termination of dollarization in 2001, and am somewhat familiar with the effects on local prices expressed in pesos vs dollars during the hyperinflation of the 1984 De La Rua administration. As far as I can tell, the increase in...
  9. E

    Another CFK Corralito

    Let's not forget that part of any success the Ks had in restoring the AR economy was because they didnt have to repay a lot of the country's foreign debt. Ar was able to avoid repayment of much of its debt by virtue of the artificially low, INDEC based interest rates on the substitute 2001/2002...
  10. E

    Sit Tight...Your Dollar is About To Go ALOT Further!

    Hey, I arrive in a few days. I have sufficient pesos to pay for a cab to my apt, but if I can't get pesos from Banks/ATMs and casas de cambio won't change my US$ how in the world will I be able to buy my "milanesas para todo?" Buddy, can you spare a dime?
  11. E

    Gates at the G20 Summit proposes a Robin Hood tax

    For complete Samuelson text Following is today's Atlantic Monthly summary: "As the Super Committee determines how to reduce federal deficits, both liberals and conservatives are creating...
  12. E

    Real Estate and the dollar

    You are absolutely correct ...and again want to appear smart and right by parsing words to state the obvious. Damn, you are tiresome.
  13. E

    Real Estate and the dollar

    I sincerely apologize for my slip of the tongue. But I am glad it gave you the opportunity to render deep philosophical observations about names on internet chat forums. Speaking of irony, steveinbsas, don't you live somewhere in the boonies?
  14. E

    Real Estate and the dollar

    Sorry, I need more help in understanding things. Let's suppose I own an apt that I planned to sell for $US100,000. A week or so ago that was equal to about 425,000 pesos. Am I now going to ask for 480,000 pesos instead of 425,000? If I hold the price at 425,000 pesos, will I be able to deposit...
  15. E

    Real Estate and the dollar

    Meant Isabelita. Sorry.
  16. E

    Real Estate and the dollar

    If, as you say, domestic business people, e.g., contractors, suppliers, etc will begin to accept pesos - but at the parallel rate - why would RE prices be severely affected since, in essence, people are just paying in US $ equivalents? Are domestic buyers all of a sudden not going to change US $...
  17. E

    Real Estate and the dollar

    Do you think RE prices will now drop steeply, slightly or not at all?
  18. E

    ATMs that still dish out dollars?

    Is there any problem selling US $ at casas de cambio or elsewhere? Any problem with ATMS disbursing pesos from foreign accounts?
  19. E

    Sit Tight...Your Dollar is About To Go ALOT Further!

    Thanks for this very "descent" advice which seems to descend into fantasy. Now can we hear from someone who isn't sick?
  20. E

    How an Economy Collapses

    Can someone please tell me what the current black market rate of exchange is?